
defmodule MixUnused.Meta do
  @moduledoc """
  Metadata of the functions

  @typedoc """
  Struct describing function metadata.

  - `:signature` - stringified representation of the function call. Used for display purposes.
  - `:file` - path to the file that contains definition of given function.
  - `:line` - integer line number where the function is located within file
    (currently, it can point to the line where documentation is defined, not
    exactly to function head).
  - `:doc_meta` - documentation metadata of the given function.
  @type t() :: %__MODULE__{
          signature: String.t(),
          file: String.t(),
          line: non_neg_integer(),
          doc_meta: map()

  defstruct signature: nil, file: "nofile", line: 1, doc_meta: %{}