# mix version

<!-- :title: -->

This is a simple tool to update the version number of an elixir project in the `mix.exs` file create a git tag based on the new version.

Check out [version_tasks]( for a more complete solution.

## Installation

This tool is not meant to be used as a dependency but rather as a command line tool.

mix archive.install hex mix_version 1.0.0

## Configuration

The tag prefix and commit messages can be customized by mix config:

config :mix_version,
  tag_prefix: "release-",
  commit_msg: "new version: %s"

In the commit message, any occurence of `%s` will be replaced by the new version number. The presence of `%s` is not mandatory.

## Usage

Call the command from within a mix project. With no options, you will be prompted for the new version number.

mix version [options]

### Options

Versions managed by Elixir follow the <major>.<minor>.<patch> scheme, with optionnaly a pre-release tag as in `1.0.0-rc2`.

-M  --major                        Bump the major number.
-m  --minor                        Bump the minor number.
-p  --patch                        Bump the patch number.
-n  --new-version                  Directly enter the new version number.
    --tag-prefix <prefix>          Override the tag prefix.
    --commit-msg <format>          Override the commit message format.

When using the options to bump a part of the version, a pre-release tag will be dropped for a manor or minor bump, whereas a patch bump will only remove this pre-release tag and keep the current patch number.

Bump patch:
  1.2.3-rc1  ->  1.2.3
  1.2.3      ->  1.2.4

Bump minor:
  1.2.3-rc1  ->  1.3.0
  1.2.3      ->  1.2.0

Bump major:
  1.2.3-rc1  ->  2.0.0
  1.2.3      ->  2.0.0