# Mixpanel

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Elixir client for the Mixpanel API.

## Installation

The package can be installed as:

  1. Add `mixpanel_api_ex` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

  def deps do
    [{:mixpanel_api_ex, "~> 1.1.1"}]

  2. Ensure `mixpanel_api_ex` is started before your application:

  def application do
    [applications: [:mixpanel_api_ex, :your_app]]

  3. Ensure your Project Token was placed in config file:
  config :mixpanel_api_ex, :config,
     project_token: "<Put Project Token here>",
     active: true

  4. Disable sending requests to API for tests:
  config :mixpanel_api_ex, :config,
      project_token: "<Put Project Token here>",
      active: false

## EU Data Residency

  config :mixpanel_api_ex, :config,
      base_url: ""

## Supported HTTP clients

  At the moment `httpc` and `hackney` are supported. `httpc` is default option. To switch to `hackney` specify following in the config:
  config :mixpanel_api_ex, :http_adapter, Mixpanel.HTTP.Hackney

## Usage

  1. Track events with `Mixpanel.track/3` function:

  iex> Mixpanel.track("Signed up", %{"Referred By" => "friend"}, distinct_id: "13793")
  iex> Mixpanel.track("Level Complete", %{"Level Number" => 9}, distinct_id: "13793", time: 1358208000, ip: "")

  2. Track profile updates with `Mixpanel.engage/4` function:

  iex> Mixpanel.engage("13793", "$set", %{"Address" => "1313 Mockingbird Lane"}, ip: "")
  iex> Mixpanel.engage("13793", "$set", %{"Birthday" => "1948-01-01"}, ip: "")

  3. `Mixpanel.engage/2` works with batches:

  iex> Mixpanel.engage([{"13793", "$set", %{"Address" => "1313 Mockingbird Lane"}}, {"13793", "$set", %{"Birthday" => "1948-01-01"}}], ip: "")

  4. `Mixpanel.create_alias/2` create an alias for a district ID, merging two profiles:

  iex> Mixpanel.create_alias("13793", "13794")