# MixpanelPlug
A plug-based approach to Mixpanel tracking with Elixir. Use MixpanelPlug to:
- Track events with useful context like referrer, user agent information, and UTM properties
- Keep user profiles up to date on every request
MixpanelPlug respects the ‘Do Not Track’ request header. When this is set, no tracking calls will be made.
## Installation
If [available in Hex](https://hex.pm/docs/publish), the package can be installed
by adding `mixpanel_plug` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:
def deps do
{:mixpanel_plug, "~> 0.1.0"}
Documentation can be generated with [ExDoc](https://github.com/elixir-lang/ex_doc)
and published on [HexDocs](https://hexdocs.pm). Once published, the docs can
be found at [https://hexdocs.pm/mixpanel_plug](https://hexdocs.pm/mixpanel_plug).
## Configuration
Add configuration for `mixpanel_api_ex` to your `config/config.exs` file:
config :mixpanel_api_ex, config: [token: "your_mixpanel_token"]
## Usage
In a Phoenix application, register the MixpanelPlug plug in `router.ex`:
defmodule Example.Router do
use Example, :router
pipeline :browser do
plug :accepts, ["html", "json"]
plug :fetch_session
plug :fetch_flash
plug :protect_from_forgery
plug :put_secure_browser_headers
+ plug MixpanelPlug
If the ‘Do Not Track’ (`dnt`) has been set to `1`, the property `do_not_track: true` will be assigned to the connection. Additionally, a call to `MixpanelPlug.update_profile/2` will be made with the value of `current_user` from the connection, if ‘Do Not Track’ is not set. For more information, please see the module documentation.
For making tracking calls, use `MixpanelPlug.track_event`:
defmodule Example.UserController do
use Example, :controller
import MixpanelPlug, only: [track_event: 3]
def create(conn, %{"email" => email}) do
|> track_event("Example User Created", %{"email" => email})
|> render("user_created.html")
The properties added to the tracking call include the following, where appropriate:
"email" => "email@example.com",
"Current Path" => "/users",
"$browser" => "Mobile Safari",
"$browser_version" => "10.0",
"$device" => "iPhone",
"$os" => "iOS 10.3.1",
"utm_campaign" => "campaign",
"utm_content" => "content",
"utm_medium" => "medium",
"utm_source" => "source",
"utm_term" => "term"