# MJML (Rust NIFs for Elixir)

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Native Implemented Function (NIF) bindings for the [MJML]( Rust implementation ([mrml](

## Installation

The package can be installed by adding `mjml` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:mjml, "~> 4.0"}

By default **you don't need Rust installed** because the lib will try to download
a precompiled NIF file. In case you want to force compilation set the
`MJML_BUILD` environment variable to `true` or `1`. Alternatively you can also set the
application env in order to force the build:

config :rustler_precompiled, :force_build, mjml: true

## Usage

Transpile MJML templates to HTML with:

mjml = "<mjml>...</mjml>"
{:ok, html} = Mjml.to_html(mjml)

# For an invalid MJML template:
mjml = "something not MJML"
{:error, message} = Mjml.to_html(mjml)

### Options

Available rendering options are:

* `keep_comments` – when `false`, removes comments from the final HTML. Defaults to `true`.
* `social_icon_path` – when given, uses this base path to generate social icon URLs.
* `fonts` – a Map of font names and their URLs to a hosted CSS file.
  When given, includes these fonts in the rendered HTML
  (Note that only actually used fonts will show up!).
  Defaults to `nil`, which will make the default font families available to
  be used (Open Sans, Droid Sans, Lato, Roboto, and Ubuntu).

mjml = "<mjml>...</mjml>"

opts = [
  keep_comments: false,
  social_icon_path: "",
  fonts: %{
      "Noto Color Emoji": ""

{:ok, html} = Mjml.to_html(mjml, opts)

## Contributing

We encourage you to contribute to mjml_nif.
Please check our [](./ guides for more information.

This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to our [](./

## Copyright and License

Copyright (c) 2020 Paul Götze

This work is free. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
terms of the MIT License. See the [](./ file for more details.