
Multi-line strings like support for Erlang


add to `rebar.config`:

    {mls, "0.1.0"}


    $ rebar3 compile


- use `"` or `"""` as delimters.

_Note:_ Extra `""` in Erlang are just empty sting concaternated. We can use `"""` to be consistent
with other implementations, but we don't have to.

### Options

    function  | parameters
    text/1    | (Text)           | equivalent to mls:text(binary)
    text/2    | (Options, Text)

    Option can be one of

    Options  | Default | Note
     list    |         | return as list
     escaped |         | escape ouptut - replace 'with \"; replace  \'" with \\\""
     flat    |         | remove formatting; no escape
     binary  |   x     | return as binary

- Note: `ml:text(<text>)` is equivalent to `ml:text([], <text>)`, default option being `binary`

### Examples

1> mls:text("
1>   line1
1>     line2
1>   ").
<<"line1\n  line2\n">>

2> mls: text("""
2>   line1
2>     line2
2>   """).
<<"line1\n  line2\n">>

3> mls:text(
3>   "
3>   line1
3>     line2
3>   ").
<<"line1\n  line2\n">>

4> mls: text(
4>   """
4>   line1
4>     line2
4>   """).
<<"line1\n  line2\n">>

- generic multiline text

5> M2 = mls:text(
5>   "
5>   ----------
5>   line_1
5>     line_2
5>       line_3
5>   line_4
5>   ----------
5>   ").
<<"----------\nline_1\n  line_2\n    line_3\nline_4\n----------\n">>

6> io:format("~s~n", [M2]).
- JSON as multiline text

7> Json_template = mls:text([escaped],
7>    """
7>    {
7>     'key1': 'value1',
7>     'key2': '{{value2}}'
7>    }
7>    """
7>    ).
<<"{\n \"key1\": \"value1\",\n \"key2\": \"{{value2}}\"\n}\n">>

8> bbmustache:render(Json_template, #{"value2" => "value 2"}).
<<"{\n \"key1\": \"value1\",\n \"key2\": \"value 2\"\n}\n">>
- example epgsql query - use the `[list, flat]` options to connvert multi-line string to a long string.

9> Query = mls:text([list, flat],
9>   """
9>   SELECT * FROM Customers
9>   WHERE
9>     NOT Country='Germany'
9>     AND NOT Country=$1;
9>   """).
"SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE NOT Country='Germany' AND NOT Country=$1;"