# Changelog
This format is based on [Keep a Changelog](https://keepachangelog.com) and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](https://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0.html).
## Unreleased (v0.10.0)
### Added
* `mix mneme.test`, which is functionally equivalent to `mix test` except that it allows Mneme's configuration options to be passed at the command line.
### Changed
* `mix mneme.watch` now uses `mix mneme.test` under the hood so that it can accept the same options.
* This means that `mneme.test` needs to be added to your `:preferred_cli_env` in `mix.exs`: `preferred_cli_env: ["mneme.test": :test, "mneme.watch": :test]`.
* Running `MIX_ENV=test mix mneme.install` will update this for you.
### Fixed
* Ensure that the module is loaded before generating struct patterns ([#102](https://github.com/zachallaun/mneme/issues/102)).
## v0.9.4 (2024-10-28)
### Added
* `mix mneme.install`, an [Igniter](https://github.com/ash-project/igniter) task that simplifies setup.
## v0.9.3 (2024-10-21)
### Fixed
* Don't simplify structs used as keys in maps ([#96](https://github.com/zachallaun/mneme/issues/96)).
* [mix mneme.watch] Ensure the `:ex_unit` application is started before accessing its application config ([#95](https://github.com/zachallaun/mneme/issues/95)).
## v0.9.2 (2024-10-14)
### Added
* Added `--exit-on-success` flag to `mix mneme.watch`, which reruns tests until all of them pass, then exits.
### Fixed
* Prevent an increasing number of "Running ExUnit with seed..." messages from printing during runs of `mix mneme.watch`. This was a regression introduced in v0.9.1.
## v0.9.1 (2024-10-14)
### Fixed
* Don't override existing ExUnit formatters ([#87](https://github.com/zachallaun/mneme/issues/87)).
## v0.9.0 (2024-10-08)
### Added
* `mix mneme.watch`, a test runner that watches source files for changes and automatically re-runs your tests. It's Mneme-aware, which means it can interrupt prompts and save already-accepted tests if a file system change is detected mid-run.
### Fixed
* Fix crash that could occur when generating heredoc strings with repeated newlines ([#85](https://github.com/zachallaun/mneme/issues/85)).
## v0.8.2 (2024-07-11)
### Added
* Added `J` and `K` to jump to the first and last pattern when multiple patterns are offered in a prompt. (`J` and `K` were previously equivalent to `j` and `k`, respectively.)
### Fixed
* Don't suggest duplicate patterns when updating lists (or other containers of) maps.
* Don't generate incorrect map patterns when updating an existing pattern that is a partial match of a new value. For instance, when updating the pattern `%{x: 1, y: 2, z: 3}` for the new value `%{x: 1, y: 2}`, the incorrect pattern `%{x: 1, y: 2, z: nil}` would be suggested.
## v0.8.1 (2024-06-20)
### Fixed
* Fix a diff bug that could cause some deleted or added code to go unhighlighted.
## v0.8.0 (2024-06-20)
### Added
* [@am-kantox](https://github.com/am-kantox) - Variables bound in `auto_assert` patterns remain in scope ([#1](https://github.com/zachallaun/mneme/issues/1)).
* Print a warning when an auto-assertion that will always succeed is encountered.
## v0.7.0 (2024-05-27)
This is the first version supporting Elixir 1.17.0 and Erlang/OTP 27.
### Changed
* Update docs to reflect `-0.0` being a possible generated value when using Erlang/OTP 27 or later.
### Fixed
* Fix diff highlighting of the map opening delimiter `%{` when using Elixir 1.17+.
* Fix warnings during testing when using Elixir 1.17+.
## v0.6.1 (2024-05-21)
### Added
* Update map and struct patterns that ignore keys more intelligently, e.g. `%{x: 1, y: _}` will now still use `_` for `:y` when `:x` changes.
### Fixed
* Fix a crash that would occur when generating a pattern for a non-existing struct, e.g. `%{__struct__: Foo}` when `Foo` is not a module defining a struct ([#67](https://github.com/zachallaun/mneme/issues/67)).
* Generate the signed pattern `+0.0` for the float `0.0` to avoid the warning about `+0.0` and `-0.0` no longer matching in Erlang/OTP 27. (Mneme will gain support for generating `-0.0` patterns in the future.)
## v0.6.0 (2024-04-15)
### Changed
* Calling `Mneme.start/1` multiple times now has the same behavior as `Mneme.start(restart: true)`. The `:restart` option is now a no-op and specifying it will print a notice.
### Fixed
* Tests using Mneme can now be compiled individually without having first called `Mneme.start/1`. Previously, an error would be raised at compile-time, interfering with some language servers ([lexical-lsp/lexical#507](https://github.com/lexical-lsp/lexical/issues/507)).
## v0.5.1 (2024-04-13)
### Changed
* Updated some dependencies for better compatibility with other libraries.
## v0.5.0 (2024-02-06)
While this release does not include breaking changes, the minor version is being bumped because the change to map patterns described below may be unexpected.
### Changed
* Empty maps will no longer be suggested as patterns for non-empty maps. For instance, `auto_assert %{foo: 1}` will no longer suggest `auto_assert %{} <- %{foo: 1}`. Note that empty structs will still be suggested ([#55](https://github.com/zachallaun/mneme/issues/55), [#56](https://github.com/zachallaun/mneme/issues/56), [#57](https://github.com/zachallaun/mneme/issues/57)).
### Fixed
* Generate struct patterns for `DateTime` when the sigil cannot be used ([#59](https://github.com/zachallaun/mneme/issues/59)).
* Correctly escape non-printable characters in string literals, like `\r` ([#62](https://github.com/zachallaun/mneme/issues/62)).
* Fix a crash that could occur due to incorrect handling of the source file being changed while Mneme was running.
## v0.4.3 (2023-11-02)
### Fixed
* Fix a regression introduced in v0.4.1 that caused auto-assertions to fail if an earlier one in the same file added or removed lines when formatted ([#53](https://github.com/zachallaun/mneme/issues/53)).
* Suppress "unused alias" warnings when the aliases are only used in auto-assertions ([#54](https://github.com/zachallaun/mneme/issues/54)).
## v0.4.2 (2023-11-01)
### Fixed
* Fix a crash that would occur if a test file containing an auto-assertion is changed before the auto-assertion is run (for instance, while Mneme is waiting on input from an auto-assertion in a different test file).
## v0.4.1 (2023-10-25)
### Fixed
* Fix a crash that could occur when diffing sigils ([#52](https://github.com/zachallaun/mneme/issues/52)).
## v0.4.0 (2023-07-04)
### Added
* `Mneme.start/1` now accepts all of Mneme's configuration options that will be applied to the entire test run.
### Removed
* **Breaking:** Removed support for `:mneme` application config. This has been replaced by passing config options directly to `Mneme.start/1`:
# Old: config/test.exs
config :mneme, defaults: [default_pattern: :last, ...]
# New: test/test_helper.exs
Mneme.start(default_pattern: :last, ...)
## v0.3.5 (2023-06-30)
### Fixed
* Support multi-letter sigils when using Elixir 1.15.0+.
## v0.3.4 (2023-05-22)
### Added
* Tested to support OTP 26.0 when using Elixir 1.14.4.
* Support expressions that return functions, serializing them with an `is_function(fun, arity)` guard.
* When generating a pattern for a MapSet, add a note suggesting using `MapSet.to_list/1` for better serialization.
### Changed
* Format pattern notes to be more obvious when they're present.
* Generate charlist patterns using `sigil_c` instead of single quotes, e.g. `~c"foo"` instead of `'foo'`. See [this discussion](https://elixirforum.com/t/convert-charlists-into-c-charlists/49455) for more context.
### Fixed
* Numerous fixes related to vars used in guards:
* Generated vars will no longer shadow variables in scope (e.g. if `pid` is in scope, a different pid will use the var `pid1`).
* The same var will no longer be used for different values of the same type.
* Multiple, redundant guards will no longer be emitted for the same var (e.g. `[self(), self()]` would result in `[pid, pid] when is_pid(pid) and is_pid(pid)`).
* Numerous fixes related to pattern generation, especially in regards to map keys.
## v0.3.3 (2023-05-01)
### Changed
* Improve stacktraces and ExUnit assertion errors when an auto-assertion fails or is rejected.
* When an `auto_assert` updates, a default pattern that is more similar to the existing one will be selected in more cases when the `:default_pattern` option is set to `:infer` (the default).
* When updating an assertion with an existing map pattern that only asserts a subset of keys, generate a pattern using that subset as well.
## v0.3.2 (2023-04-16)
### Changed
* Multi-line string patterns will now always appear in the same order (heredoc format will always be the last option).
### Fixed
* Raise a more comprehensible error if `Mneme.start()` is called multiple times without `restart: true`.
* Fix an incorrect guard that could cause semantic diffing to fail and fall back to text diffing.
* Fix multi-line string formatting issues with `auto_assert_raise`, `auto_assert_receive`, and `auto_assert_received`.
## v0.3.1 (2023-04-14)
### Changed
* Multi-line strings will now generate both a heredoc and a single-line option.
### Removed
* No longer depend on `libgraph`.
## v0.3.0 (2023-04-10)
It is recommended to now use Elixir v1.14.4 or later.
### Added
* Add three new auto-assertions:
* [`auto_assert_raise`](https://hexdocs.pm/mneme/Mneme.html#auto_assert_raise/3)
* [`auto_assert_receive`](https://hexdocs.pm/mneme/Mneme.html#auto_assert_receive/2)
* [`auto_assert_received`](https://hexdocs.pm/mneme/Mneme.html#auto_assert_received/1)
* Add a `:force_update` option that forces re-generating assertion patterns even when they succeed. See the [Options documentation](https://hexdocs.pm/mneme/Mneme.html#module-options) for more info.
* Prompts will now show options that were overridden from the defaults.
* Mneme now prints a one-line summary at the end of the test run.
### Changed
* For falsy values, `auto_assert` now generates `<-` pattern matches instead of `==` value comparisons, which have been removed.
* Existing auto-assertions will now run when `Mneme.start()` is not called, but new or failing auto-assertions will fail without prompting ([#32](https://github.com/zachallaun/mneme/issues/32)).
* Ranges now use range syntax like `1..10` and `1..10//2` instead of generating a `%Range{}` struct.
### Removed
* **Breaking:** `auto_assert` no longer supports value comparisons using `==`.
### Fixed
* Fix a configuration precedence bug that caused options set in application config to always override module, describe, or test options.
* Fix a compatibility issue with Ecto ~> 3.9.4 ([#34](https://github.com/zachallaun/mneme/issues/34)).
* Fix a confusing diff result that could occur with some binary operations ([#11](https://github.com/zachallaun/mneme/issues/11)).
* Preceding comments are no longer shown in diffs ([#26](https://github.com/zachallaun/mneme/issues/26)).
* Fix a number of diffing errors related to structs.
## v0.2.7 (2023-03-29)
### Fixed
* Fix a crash related to escaped string interpolation characters ([#29](https://github.com/zachallaun/mneme/issues/29)).
## v0.2.6 (2023-03-27)
### Added
* Auto-assertion prompts can now be skipped (`s`) in addition to accepted (`y`) or rejected (`n`). This allows the test clause to continue so that later assertions might be run, but fails the test run once the suite finishes.
* Semantic diffs will now be displayed side-by-side if terminal width allows. To always display diffs stacked, use the `diff_style: :stacked` option; see the "Configuration" section of the `Mneme` module doc for more.
### Changed
* Semantic diff formatting has been improved for clarity.
### Fixed
* Don't overwrite test files if their content changes after starting the test run ([#23](https://github.com/zachallaun/mneme/issues/23)).
* Fix a crash that occurred when a value contained nested strings with newlines, e.g. `{:ok, "hello\nworld"}` ([#25](https://github.com/zachallaun/mneme/issues/25)).
* The `j/k` options will no longer be rendered when prompting if there is only a single pattern option.
## v0.2.4, v0.2.5 (2023-03-25)
### Fixed
* Remove unnecessary files from Hex package. This cuts the package size down drastically.
## v0.2.3 (2023-03-25)
### Fixed
* Fix diffing for certain sigil variations.
* Fix `dbg`-related error when running `MIX_ENV=test iex -S mix` ([#20](https://github.com/zachallaun/mneme/issues/20)).
* Fix ETS-related error when calling `Mneme.start/1` multiple times ([#20](https://github.com/zachallaun/mneme/issues/20#issuecomment-1483878101)).
## v0.2.2 (2023-03-20)
### Fixed
* Disable a semantic diffing optimization that caused poor diff results in certain cases, usually manifesting as incorrect branches being compared.
## v0.2.1 (2023-03-19)
### Changed
* More consistent formatting between `:semantic` and `:text` diffs.
## v0.2.0 (2023-03-18)
### Added
* Adds semantic diffs which selectively highlight only meaningful changes when updating an assertion. This can be disabled with the `diff: :text` option; see the "Configuration" section of the `Mneme` module doc for more.
### Changed
* **Breaking:** Mneme now requires Elixir v1.14 or later.
### Fixed
* Invalid options now cause a warning instead of crashing test process.
* Internal errors now show an error instead of crashing test process.
* Fix bug causing multiple identical choices to be presented in some cases where empty lists were a part of the value.
## v0.1.6 (2023-03-04)
### Changed
* Improved compile-time error message when `auto_assert` is used outside of a `test` block ([#9](https://github.com/zachallaun/mneme/issues/9)).
## v0.1.5 (2023-02-25)
### Changed
* More consistent handling of charlists: lists of integers will now generate themselves as a pattern as well as a charlist if the list is ASCII printable ([#6](https://github.com/zachallaun/mneme/issues/6)).
## v0.1.4 (2023-02-23)
### Fixed
* Fix a bug that could cause `auto_assert` expressions to revert to the previous value when using `Mneme.start(restart: true)` ([#7](https://github.com/zachallaun/mneme/issues/7)).
## v0.1.3 (2023-02-22)
### Added
* Add a `:default_pattern` configuration option for auto-assertions which controls the pattern that should be selected by default when prompted.
### Fixed
* When converting an auto-assertion to an ExUnit assertion, select the identical pattern when the `:default_pattern` is `:infer` (set by default).
## v0.1.2 (2023-02-21)
### Added
* Add a `:restart` option to `Mneme.start/1` to restart Mneme if called multiple times.
## v0.1.1 (2023-02-20)
### Changed
* Dramatically reduce the performance gap between `auto_assert` and ExUnit's `assert`.
## v0.1.0 (2023-02-19)
First release.