# Changelog

This project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](

## v0.3.0-rc.0

### Breaking changes

  * `auto_assert` now uses `<-` when comparing against falsy values instead of `==`. Support for comparisons using `==` has been removed.

### Enhancements

  * Add [`auto_assert_receive`]( and [`auto_assert_received`](
  * Add [`auto_assert_raise`](
  * Existing auto-assertions will now run even when `Mneme.start()` is not called, but new auto-assertions will fail ([#32](
  * Generate patterns for ranges will now use `..` and `..//` syntax instead of `%Range{}`.

### Fixes

  * Fix a configuration precedence bug that caused options set in application config to always override options local to the test module, describe block, or test.
  * Fix a confusing diff result that could occur with some binary operations ([#11](
  * Don't display preceding comments in diffs ([#26](
  * Fix a number of diffing errors related to structs.
  * Fix a compatibility issue with Ecto ~> 3.9.4 ([#34](

### Notes

  * Upgrade to Elixir v1.14.4 or later to fix a diff syntax highlighting bug related to escaped string interpolations ([#30](

## v0.2.7 (2023-03-29)

### Fixes

  * Fix a crash related to escaped string interpolation characters ([#29](

## v0.2.6 (2023-03-27)

### Enhancements

  * Auto-assertion prompts can now be skipped (`s`) in addition to accepted (`y`) or rejected (`n`). This allows the test clause to continue so that later assertions might be run, but fails the test run once the suite finishes.
  * Updated formatting for semantic diffs:
    * Diffs will be displayed side-by-side if terminal width allows. To always display diffs stacked, use the `diff_style: :stacked` option; see the "Configuration" section of the `Mneme` module doc for more.
    * Both `:stacked` and `:side_by_side` diffs have updated, more consistent formatting.

### Fixes

  * Don't overwrite test files if their content changes after starting the test run ([#23](
  * Fix a crash that occurred when a value contained nested strings with newlines, e.g. `{:ok, "hello\nworld"}` ([#25](
  * The `j/k` options will no longer be rendered when prompting if there is only a single pattern option.

## v0.2.4, v0.2.5 (2023-03-25)

### Fixes

  * Remove unnecessary files from Hex package. This cuts the package size down drastically.

## v0.2.3 (2023-03-25)

### Fixes

  * Fix diffing for certain sigil variations.
  * Fix `dbg`-related error when running `MIX_ENV=test iex -S mix` ([#20](
  * Fix ETS-related error when calling `Mneme.start/1` multiple times ([#20](

## v0.2.2 (2023-03-20)

### Fixes

  * Disable a semantic diffing optimization that caused poor diff results in certain cases, usually manifesting as incorrect branches being compared.

## v0.2.1 (2023-03-19)

### Enhancements

  * More consistent formatting between `:semantic` and `:text` diffs.

## v0.2.0 (2023-03-18)

### Breaking

  * Mneme now requires Elixir v1.14 or later.

### Enhancements

  * Adds semantic diffs which selectively highlight only meaningful changes when updating an assertion. This can be disabled with the `diff: :text` option; see the "Configuration" section of the `Mneme` module doc for more.

### Fixes

  * Invalid options now cause a warning instead of crashing test process.
  * Internal errors now show an error instead of crashing test process.
  * Fix bug causing multiple identical choices to be presented in some cases where empty lists were a part of the value.

## v0.1.6 (2023-03-04)

### Enhancements

  * Improved compile-time error message when `auto_assert` is used outside of a `test` block ([#9](

## v0.1.5 (2023-02-25)

### Enhancements

  * More consistent handling of charlists: lists of integers will now generate themselves as a pattern as well as a charlist if the list is ASCII printable ([#6](

## v0.1.4 (2023-02-23)

### Fixes

  * Fix a bug that could cause `auto_assert` expressions to revert to the previous value when using `Mneme.start(restart: true)` ([#7](

## v0.1.3 (2023-02-22)

### Enhancements

  * Add a `:default_pattern` configuration option for auto-assertions which controls the pattern that should be selected by default when prompted.

### Fixes

  * When converting an auto-assertion to an ExUnit assertion, select the identical pattern when the `:default_pattern` is `:infer` (set by default).

## v0.1.2 (2023-02-21)

### Enhancements

  * Add a `:restart` option to `Mneme.start/1` to restart Mneme if called multiple times.

## v0.1.1 (2023-02-20)

### Enhancements

  * Dramatically reduce the performance gap between `auto_assert` and ExUnit's `assert`.

## v0.1.0 (2023-02-19)

First release.