# Mnesiac

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Mnesia auto clustering made easy!

Docs can be found at [](

**_NOTICE:_** Mnesiac, while stable, is still considered pre `1.0`. This means the API can, and may, change at any time. Please ensure you review the docs and changelog prior to updating.

**_NOTICE:_** Mnesiac allows a significant amount of freedom with how it behaves. This allows you to customize Mnesiac to suit your needs. However, this also allows for a fair amount of foot gunning. Please ensure you've done your due diligence when using this library, or Mnesia itself for that matter. It isn't a silver bullet, and it shouldn't be treated as one.

## Installation

Simply add `mnesiac` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:mnesiac, "~> 0.3"}

Edit your app's config.exs to add the list of Mnesia stores:

config :mnesiac,
  stores: [Mnesiac.ExampleStore, ...],
  schema_type: :disc_copies, # defaults to :ram_copies
  table_load_timeout: 600_000 # milliseconds, default is 600_000

Then add `mnesiac` to your supervision tree:

- **_EXAMPLE:_** With `libcluster` using the `Cluster.Strategy.Epmd` strategy:


    topology = Application.get_env(:libcluster, :topologies)
    hosts = topology[:myapp][:config][:hosts]

    children = [
      {Cluster.Supervisor, [topology, [name: MyApp.ClusterSupervisor]]},
      {Mnesiac.Supervisor, [hosts, [name: MyApp.MnesiacSupervisor]]},


- **_EXAMPLE:_** Without `libcluster`:


    children = [
          [:"test01@", :"test02@"],
          [name: MyApp.MnesiacSupervisor]


## Usage

### Table creation

Create a table store, `use Mnesiac.Store`, and add it to your app's config.exs.

All stores **_MUST_** implement its own `store_options/0`, which returns a keyword list of store options.

There are three optional callbacks which can be implemented:

- `init_store/0`, which allows users to implement custom store initialization logic. Triggered by Mnesiac.
- `copy_store/0`, which allows users to implement a custom call to copy a store. Triggered by Mnesiac.
- `resolve_conflict/1`, which allows a user to implement logic when Mnesiac detects a store with records on both the local and remote Mnesia cluster node. Triggered by Mnesiac. Default is to do nothing.


defmodule MyApp.ExampleStore do
  @moduledoc """
  Provides the structure of ExampleStore records for a minimal example of Mnesiac.
  use Mnesiac.Store
  import Record, only: [defrecord: 3]

  @doc """
  Record definition for ExampleStore example record.
    id: nil,
    topic_id: nil,
    event: nil

  @typedoc """
  ExampleStore example record field type definitions.
  @type example ::
            id: String.t(),
            topic_id: String.t(),
            event: String.t()

  @impl true
  def store_options,
    do: [
      record_name: __MODULE__,
      attributes: example() |> example() |> Keyword.keys(),
      index: [:topic_id],
      ram_copies: [node()]

### Clustering

If you are using `libcluster` or another clustering library, ensure that the clustering library starts before `mnesiac`. That's all, you don't need to do anything else.

If you are not using `libcluster` or similar clustering libraries then:

- When a node joins to an erlang/elixir cluster, run the `Mnesiac.init_mnesia/1` function on the **_new node_**. This will initialize and copy the store contents from the other online nodes in the Mnesia cluster.

## Development

Ensure you have the proper language versions installed. To do this, an `asdf` tools file has been provided. Run the following:

git clone
git checkout -b MyFeature
asdf install
mix local.hex --force
mix local.rebar --force
mix deps.get --force
mix deps.compile --force
mix compile --force

**_NOTICE:_** You can find the `asdf` tool [here][1].

## Testing

Before you run any tests, ensure that you have cleaned up Mnesia:

mix purge.db

Test results and coverage reports are generated by running the following:

mix coveralls.html --trace --slowest 10 --no-start

## Notice

This library was built standing on the shoulders of giants. A big thanks goes out to Mustafa Turan. The original library this was forked from can be found here: <>.

Happy coding!
