# Mobius


Library for localized telemetry metrics

## Installation

def deps do
    {:mobius, "~> 0.3.3"}

## Usage

Add `Mobius` to your supervision tree and pass in the metrics you want to track.

def start(_type, _args) do
  metrics = [

  children = [
    # ... other children ....
    {Mobius, metrics: metrics}
    # ... other children ....

  # See
  # for other strategies and supported options
  opts = [strategy: :one_for_one, name: MyApp.Supervisor]
  Supervisor.start_link(children, opts)

### Configure persistence directory

By default Mobius will try to save metric data for all resolutions and the
current value when the erlang system exists gracefully. This makes Mobius useful
for Nerves devices that have to reboot after doing a planned firmware update.
The default direction Mobius will try to persist data to is the `/data`
directory as this is friendly to Nerves devices. If you want Mobius to store
data in a different location you can pass that into Mobius when you start it:


children = [
   # ... other children ...
   {Mobius, metrics: metrics, persistence_dir: "/tmp"}
   # ... other children ...

### Charting historical metrics

Mobius tracks metrics overtime in a circular buffer and allows you to graph
metric values over time using `Mobius.Charts.plot/3`:

iex> Mobius.Charts.plot("")
                Metric Name:, Tags: %{}

34355808.00 ┤
34253736.73 ┤                                    ╭──╮    ╭────╮
34151665.45 ┤                               ╭────╯  ╰────╯    ╰───
34049594.18 ┤         ╭────╮    ╭────╮ ╭────╯
33947522.91 ┤         │    ╰────╯    ╰─╯
33845451.64 ┤         │
33743380.36 ┤    ╭────╯
33641309.09 ┤    │
33539237.82 ┤    │
33437166.55 ┤    │
33335095.27 ┼────╯

### Printing current metrics

To see the current metrics you can use ``:

Event: vintage_net_qmi.connection.end.duration
Tags: %{ifname: "wwan0", status: :lan}
counter: 4
last_value: 310000

Tags: %{}
last_value: 34674312