# Mobius

Library for localized telemetry metrics
## Installation
def deps do
{:mobius, "~> 0.5.1"}
## Usage
Add `Mobius` to your supervision tree and pass in the metrics you want to track.
def start(_type, _args) do
metrics = [
children = [
# ... other children ....
{Mobius, metrics: metrics}
# ... other children ....
# See https://hexdocs.pm/elixir/Supervisor.html
# for other strategies and supported options
opts = [strategy: :one_for_one, name: MyApp.Supervisor]
Supervisor.start_link(children, opts)
### Quick tips
To see a view of the current metrics you can use `Mobius.info/0`:
iex> Mobius.info()
Metric Name: vm.memory.total
Tags: %{}
last_value: 83952736
To plot a metric measurement over time you can use: `Mobius.Exports.plot/4`:
iex> Mobius.Exports.plot("vm.memory.total", :last_value, %{})
Metric Name: vm.memory.total, Tags: %{}
34355808.00 ┤
34253736.73 ┤ ╭──╮ ╭────╮
34151665.45 ┤ ╭────╯ ╰────╯ ╰───
34049594.18 ┤ ╭────╮ ╭────╮ ╭────╯
33947522.91 ┤ │ ╰────╯ ╰─╯
33845451.64 ┤ │
33743380.36 ┤ ╭────╯
33641309.09 ┤ │
33539237.82 ┤ │
33437166.55 ┤ │
33335095.27 ┼────╯
### Configure persistence directory
By default Mobius will try to save metric data for all resolutions and the
current value when the erlang system exists gracefully. This makes Mobius useful
for Nerves devices that have to reboot after doing a planned firmware update.
The default direction Mobius will try to persist data to is the `/data`
directory as this is friendly to Nerves devices. If you want Mobius to store
data in a different location you can pass that into Mobius when you start it:
children = [
# ... other children ...
{Mobius, metrics: metrics(), persistence_dir: "/tmp"}
# ... other children ...
def metrics() do
Metrics.last_value("vm.memory.total", unit: {:byte, :kilobyte})
### Saving / Autosaving metrics data
By default the metrics data is persisted on a normal shutdown. However, data
will not be persisted during a sudden shutdown, eg Control-C in IEX, kill,
sudden power off.
It's possible to manually call Mobius.save/1 to force an interim write of the
persistence data.
This can be automated by passing `autosave_interval` to Mobius
def start(_type, _args) do
metrics = [
children = [
# ... other children ....
{Mobius, metrics: metrics, autosave_interval: 60} # auto save every 60 seconds
# ... other children ....
# See https://hexdocs.pm/elixir/Supervisor.html
# for other strategies and supported options
opts = [strategy: :one_for_one, name: MyApp.Supervisor]
Supervisor.start_link(children, opts)
### Exporting data
The `Mobius.Exports` module provide functions for exporting the data in a couple
different formats.
1. CSV
2. Series
3. Line plot
4. Mobius Binary Format
# export as CSV string
Mobius.Exports.csv("vm.memory.total", :last_value, %{})
# export as series list
Mobius.Exports.series("vm.memory.total", :last_value, %{})
# export as mobius binary format
The Mobius Binary Format (MBF) is a binary string that has encoded and
compressed the all the historical metrics that mobius current has. This is
most useful for preparing metrics to send off to another system. To parse
the binary format you can use `Mobius.Exports.parse_mbf/1`.
For each of these you can see the `Mobius.Exports` module for more details.
### Report metrics to a remote server
Mobius allows sending metrics to a remote server. You can do this by passing the
`:remote_reporter` option to Mobius. This is a module that implements the
`Mobius.RemoteReporter` behaviour. Optionally, you can pass the
`:remote_report_interval` option to specify how often to report metrics, by
default this is every 1 minute.