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# Changelog

This project follows [Semantic Versioning](

> Major version zero (0.y.z) is for initial development. Anything MAY change at
any time. The public API SHOULD NOT be considered stable.

## [v0.6.1] - 2024-04-02

### Changed

* Allow `:telemetry_metrics` v1.0.0 and later now that it's been released
* Fix `Logger.warn` deprecations
* Fix binary format validation issue due to map sort order change in Erlang 26.

## [v0.6.0] - 2022-09-09

The breaking change in Mobius is the removal of remote reporting and the
functionality built around that such as configuring a remote reporter to send
a metric report at some interval.

If this functionality is something you still want, you can provide a GenServer
that executes your reporting code at some interval. This will allow the maximum
flexibility to how you want your software to report metrics.

### Changed

* Remove `Mobius.RemoteReporter`
* Remove `:remote_reporter` configuration from `Mobius.arg()`
* Remove `:remote_reporter_interval` configuration from `Mobius.arg()`
* Remove `Mobius.RemoteReporters.LoggerReporter`

### Added

* `Mobius.Event`
* `Mobius.EventLog`
* `Mobius.Clock`
* `Mobius.get_latest_metrics/1`
* `Mobius.get_latest_events/1`
* `:events` option to `Mobius.arg()`
* `:event_log_size` option to `Mobius.arg()`
* `:clock` option to `Mobius.arg()`
* `:session` option to `Mobius.arg()`
* `Mobius.session()`

## [v0.5.1] - 2022-06-01

### Added

- Added the ability for a remote reporter to response with
  `{:error, reason, new_state}`.

## [v0.5.0] - 2022-05-31

Breaking changes for three functions in the `Mobius.Exports` module:

1. `Mobius.Exports.series/4`
1. `Mobius.Exports.metrics/4`
1. `Mobius.Exports.plot/4`

If you are not directly calling these functions in your code you're safe to upgrade.

The first two used to return either `{:ok, results}` or `{:error, reason}` but
now they will only return their result. For `Mobius.Exports.series/4` the return
value is now `[integer()]` and for `Mobius.Exports.metrics/4` the return type is
now `[Mobius.metric()]`. `Mobius.Exports.plot/4` still returns `:ok` on success,
but can now return `{:error, UnsupportedMetricError.t()}`.

### Changed

* `Mobius.Exports.series/4` return type was
  `{:ok, [integer()]} | {:error, UnsupportedMetricError.t()}` and now is
* `Mobius.Exports.metrics/4` return type was
  `{:ok, [Mobius.metric()]} | {:error, UnsupportedMetricError.t()}` and now is
* `Mobius.Exports.plot/4` was just `:ok` but now is
  `:ok | {:error, UnsupportedMetricError.t()}`

### Added

* `Mobius.RemoteReporter` behaviour to allow for reporting metrics to a remote
* Add `:remote_reporter` and `:remote_report_interval` options to the
  `Mobius.arg()` type.
* Support for specifying which summary metric you want to export. (@ewildgoose)
* Support for summary metrics types in some exports. (@ewildgoose)
* Add standard deviation calculation to the summary metric type. (@ewildgoose)
* New `Mobius.Exports.export_metric_type()` that allows for specifying the
  summary metric type.

### Misc

* Update `ex_doc` to `v.0.28.4`
* Update `telemetry` to `v1.1.0`
* Fix up typos (@kianmeng)

## [v0.4.0] - 2022-03-25

### Changed

* `Mobius.plot/3` is now `Mobius.Exports.plot/4`
* `Mobius.to_csv/3` is now `Mobius.Exports.csv/4`
* `Mobius.filter_metrics/3` is now `Mobius.Exports.metrics/4`
* `` is now `Mobius.instance()`
* Mobius functions that need to know the name of the mobius instance now
  expect `:mobius_instance` and not `:name`
* `Mobius.metric_name()` is no longer a list of `atoms()` but is now the metric
  name as a string
* `Mobius.RRD` internal metric format
* `Mobius.RRD.insert/3` typespec now expects `[Mobius.metric()]` as the last

### Removed

* `Mobius.filter_opt()` type
* `Mobius.csv_opt()` type
* `Mobius.plot_opt()` type
* `Mobius.query_opts/1` function
* `Mobius.to_csv/3` function
* `Mobius.plot/3` function
* `Mobius.filter_metrics/3` function
* `Mobius.make_bundle/2` function (use `Mobius.mbf/1` instead)
* `Mobius.Bundle` module
* `Mobius.record()` type

### Added

* `Mobius.Exports` module for APIs concerning retrieving historical data in
  various formats
* `Mobius.Exports.csv/4` generates a CSV either as a string, to the console, or
  to a file
* `Mobius.Exports.series/4` generates a series for historical data
* `Mobius.Exports.metrics/4` retrieves the raw historical metric data
* `Mobius.Exports.plot/4` generates a line plot to the console
* `Mobius.Exports.mbf/1` generates a binary that contains all current metrics
* `Mobius.Exports.parse_mbf/1` parses a binary that is in the Mobius Binary Format
* `Mobius.Exports.UnsupportedMetricError`
* `Mobius.Exports.MBFParseError`
* `Mobius.FileError`
* `:name` field to `Mobius.metric()` type

## [v0.3.7] - 2022-03-16

This release brings in a bunch of new features and bug fixes. Along with
basic maintenance like dependency updates and documentation improvements

### Added

* Create, save, and extract tar files that contain metric data, see
  `Mobius.Bundles` and `Mobius.make_bundle/2` for more information.
* `Mobius.filter_metrics/3` to filter for desired metrics to enable the
  metrics to be consumed externally (@ewildgoose)
* `` to manually save the state of the metric data for Mobius
* `:autosave_interval` option to Mobius to enable a saving data at the given
  interval (@ewildgoose)

### Fixes

* Unit conversion not working correctly (@ewildgoose)
* Error handling for when the `:persistence_path` is missing (@ewildgoose)
* Error handling when there is no data to plot (@ewildgoose)
* Crash when plotting an array of identical values (@ewildgoose)
* Correct off by one error when plotting (@ewildgoose)

## [v0.3.6] - 2022-01-25

### Added

* Support for `Telemetry.Metrics.Summary` metric type

## [v0.3.5] - 2021-12-2

### Fixes

* Fix crash when initializing metrics table when the ETS file cannot be read (@jfcloutier)

## [v0.3.4] - 2021-11-15

### Fixes

* Fix crash when a history file is unreadable during initialization (@mdwaud)

## [v0.3.3] - 2021-10-20

### Fixes

* Not able to pass a path for persistence that contains non-existing sub
  directories. Thank you [LostKobrakai](

## [v0.3.2] - 2021-09-22

### Added

* Support for `Telemetry.Metrics.Sum` type
* Support for filtering CSV records by type with `:type` option

## [v0.3.1] - 2021-09-08

### Added

* Plot over the last `x` seconds via the `:last` plot option
* Plot from an absolute time via the `:from` plot option
* Plot to an absolute time via the `:to` plot option
* Print or save metric time series via `Mobius.to_csv/3`
* Remove tracking a metric by dropping it from the metric list passed to Mobius

### Changed

* `Mobius.plot/3` will only show the last 3 minutes of data by default

## [v0.3.0] - 2021-8-19

### Changed

* Deleted `Mobius.Charts` module. The functions in this module are now located
  in the `Mobius` module.

### Removed

* Support for specifying resolutions.

## [v0.2.0] - 2021-8-03

### Added

* `Mobius.Charts` module
* Persistence of historical information on graceful shutdown
* Ability to specify time resolutions for plots

### Changed

* Move `Moblus.plot/0` and `` to `Mobius.Charts` module

## v0.1.0 - 2021-7-16

Initial release!
