# mockth
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Gleam modules mocking library. This is a simple wrapper around Erlang [Meck](https://github.com/eproxus/meck) library.
gleam add mockth
## Usage
It provides a simple API to mock Gleam modules and functions. All you need to use `mockth.expect` function to mock any external function with your own implementation.
import gleeunit
import gleeunit/should
import gleam/function
import mockth
pub fn main() {
pub fn expect_test() {
let assert Ok(_) =
mockth.expect("gleam@function", "identity", fn(_) { "hello" })
|> should.equal(True)
|> should.equal(["gleam@function"])
|> should.equal("hello")
Don't forget to unload all mocks after each test case.
Further documentation can be found at <https://hexdocs.pm/mockth>.
### With `use` sugar
The `with_mock` function is available to use mockth in your tests with the `use` sugar. It performs all steps from the example above (mock, validate, assert module is mocked), and even unloads all mocks after the test function finishes.
pub fn with_mock_test() {
use mock <- mockth.with_mock(
module: "gleam@function",
function: "identity",
replacement: fn(_) { "hello" },
|> should.equal("hello")
// the mocked module is available here as `mocks`
// for example to be able to call `mockth.history` with it.
## Development
gleam run # Run the project
gleam test # Run the tests
gleam shell # Run an Erlang shell