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# Moebius: A functional query tool for Elixir and PostgreSQL.

I love working with Elixir but so far there hasn't been all that much choice when working with a database. Ecto works very well, but to me ORMs are just a bit out of place in the functional landscape of Elixir. I wanted to explore some options, so I made this package.

*Please note*: This started as a bit of a "spike", if you will. [I mentioned on the ElixirFountain podcast]( that there were approaches and concepts in Ecto that I found a bit confusing. Namely:

 - An object-oriented concept in a functional language
 - A generic "Repository" interface (CRUD ops) that [isn't really a Repository]( which is OK, it's just a bit confusing.
 - A very close resemblance to ActiveRecord, which I am not a fan of

Those are negative things. There are quite a few positives in there - it's some of the best code I've ever seen and [reading the source]( is one of the main ways I learned Elixir. These are the early days - this repo is here to demonstrate some ideas and, possibly, to build on.

No, **Moebius won't run on MySQL**. It's a dedicated PostgreSQL solution.

## Inspiration

If you've [ever used Sequel]( for Ruby, this will look familiar to you. At its core, Moebius embraces the idea of pushing/transforming data through a functional pipeline. You select/shape/reduce as you need.

This is still very much a work in progress.

## Installation

Installing Moebius is pretty straightforward:

  1. Add moebius to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

        def deps do
          [{:moebius, "~> 0.0.1"}]

  2. Ensure moebius is started before your application:

        def application do
          [applications: [:moebius]]

Next, in your config, specify how to connect. We just pass along the connection bits to Postgrex (the PG driver) so you can add whatever you want based on their options:

config :moebius, connection: [database: "MY_DB", extensions: [{Postgrex.Extensions.JSON, library: Poison}]], scripts: "test/db"

## Simple Examples

Here are some very, very basic examples. I'm sure the API will be changing in a big way - so if you want to see what's happening (until I bake this a bit) please have a look at the test.

Everything starts with the db:

cmd = db(:users)

That produces the `QueryCommand` that we will then shape as we need:

cmd = db(:users)
    |> filter(id: 1)

We still have a command here, one that we can pass along and do all kinds of things with:

cmd = db(:users)
    |> filter(id: 1, name: "Steve")
    |> sort(:name, :desc)
    |> limit(10)
    |> offset(2)
    |> select

If I did the API right, this should be pretty obvious. And no, order is not important. The final bit there builds a `:select` command from what has come before. We can execute it thus:

{:ok, res} = db(:users)
    |> filter(id: 1, name: "Steve")
    |> sort(:name, :desc)
    |> limit(10)
    |> offset(2)
    |> select
    |> run

An `IN` query happens when you pass an array:

{:ok, res} = db(:users)
    |> filter(:name, ["mark", "biff", "skip"])
    |> select
    |> run

#or, if you want to be more precise

{:ok, res} = db(:users)
    |> filter(:name, in: ["mark", "biff", "skip"])
    |> select
    |> run

A NOT IN query happens when you specify the `not_in` key:

{:ok, res} = db(:users)
    |> filter(:name, not_in: ["mark", "biff", "skip"])
    |> select
    |> run

If you don't want to deal with my abstractions, just use SQL:

{:ok, res} = run "select * from users where id=1 limit 1 offset 1;"

## Full Text indexing

Because I love it:

{:ok, res} = db(:users)
      |> search("Mike", [:first, :last, :email])
      |> run

The `search` function builds a `tsvector` search on the fly for you and executes it over the columns you send in. The results are ordered in descending order using `ts_rank`

## SQL Files

I built this for [MassiveJS]( and I liked the idea, which is this: *some people love SQL*. I'm one of those people. I'd much rather work with a SQL file than muscle through some weird abstraction.

With this library you can do that. Just create a scripts directory and specify it in the config (see above), then execute:

{:ok, res} = sql_file(:my_groovy_query, "a param")
  |> single

## Adding, Updating, Deleting

Inserting is pretty straightforward:

{:ok, res} = db(:users)
    |> insert(email: "", first: "Test", last: "User")
    |> execute

Updating can work over multiple rows, or just one, depending on the filter you use:

{:ok, res} = db(:users)
    |> filter(id: 1)
    |> update(email: "")
    |> execute

The filter can be a single record, or affect multiple records:

{:ok, res} = db(:users)
    |> filter("id > 100")
    |> update(email: "")
    |> execute

{:ok, res} = db(:users)
    |> filter("email LIKE %$2", "test")
    |> update(email: "")
    |> execute

Deleting works exactly the same way as `update`:

{:ok, res} = db(:users)
    |> filter("email LIKE %$2", "test")
    |> delete
    |> execute

## Table Joins

Table joins can be applied for a single join or piped to create multiple joins. The table names can be either atoms or binary strings. There are a number of options to customize your joins:

``` ex

  :join        # set the type of join. LEFT, RIGHT, FULL, etc. defaults to INNER
  :on          # specify the table to join on
  :foreign_key # specify the tables foreign key column
  :primary_key # specify the joining tables primary key column
  :using       # used to specify a USING queries list of columns to join on


The simplest example is a basic join:

{:ok, res} = db(:customers)
    |> join(:orders)
    |> select
    |> execute

For multiple table joins you can specify the table that you want to join on:

{:ok, res} = db(:customers)
    |> join(:orders, on: :customers)
    |> join(:items, on: :orders)
    |> select
    |> execute

## Transactions

I'm still working on an approach for this, but my initial inclination is usually to write SQL that does exactly what I want. I *will* have something in place in a week or so, but if you are OK using SQL, then build yourself a CTE (have a look in the test/db directory at `cte.sql`) which is a transactional operation. You'll write less code probably :).

## Aggregates etc

I still need to build these - just a matter of time. Probably happen this week.

## Help? Please?

Even if you tell me this sucks, that's still helpful :). I'd love any that you want to give.

## Documentation

API documentation is available at

## Building docs from source

$ MIX_ENV=dev mix docs