# Molecule

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Rendering of components with named slots.

`Molecule` allows rendering of components with named slots in phoenix or other eex based templating (needs `render/2`/`render/3` functions like phoenix views though).

## Example

<%= component Module, "template.ext", assigns fo %>
  <% slot :name do %>
    Contents for named slot
  <% end %>
  Body contents <%= dynamic_content %>
<% end %>

This will essentially call (disregarding some whitespace).

Module.render("template.ext", Map.put(assigns, :slots, %{
  name: "Contents for named slot",
  body: "Body contents"

The called template can then do whatever it needs to do with those slots.

## Slot Function

Besides the `do/end` block format slots also support a function format:

<% slot :name, fn data -> %>
  Contents for named slot
<% end %>

Where the component template can pass data to the slot: ``.

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## Installation

If [available in Hex](, the package can be installed
by adding `molecule` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:molecule, "~> 0.1.0"}

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