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A [MongoDB]( driver in Elixir.

API entirely reviewed, see [](

### Connecting

Example preparing access to the `anycoll` collection in the `test` db :
# Connect the mongo server (by default port 27017 at
mongo = Mongo.connect!
# Select the db to access  
db = mongo |> Mongo.db("test")  
# Select the db to access
anycoll = db |> Mongo.Db.collection("anycoll")  

### Wrappers for CRUD operations

Examples accessing the `anycoll` collection via CRUD operations see `Mongo.Find`

### Wrappers for Aggregate operations

Example of aggregate operation applied to the `anycoll` collection see `Mongo.Collection`

### Other commands

# Authenticate against the db
db |> Mongo.auth("testuser", "123")`
# Retrieve the last error
db |> Mongo.getLastError

### Documentation

- [documentation](

### Dependencies

- MongoDB needs a Bson encoder/decoder, this project uses the elixir-bson encoder/decoder. See [elixir-bson source repo]( and its