# MongoAgile

Mongo Agile Library for Elixir, with a micro-language integrated query

## Installation

def deps do
    {:mongo_agile, "~> 0.7.0"}

## Usage 

The definition of queries are always in a module, this let us that all queries are organize in controllers that will have multiples queries of a collection.

defmodule Controller do
  use MongoAgile.Controller,
    collection: "test",
    pid_mongo: :mongo

  find_one "get",
    where: %{"_id" => id}

  # .. here more queries ..

Each query can have dynamic variables. When we run the queries, we will need give the value of the variables using a keyword.

Controller.run_query("get",[id: id_mongo])

We would can define easily a API with the following queries.

find_one "get", where: %{"_id" => id}

insert_one "post", document: doc

replace "put",
  where: %{"_id" => id},
  document: doc

delete_one "delete", where: %{"_id" => id}

update_one "patch",
  set: %{"$set" => changeset},
  where: %{"_id" => id}

The fact this queries can be include by default in the controller, if you active the flag `install_api: true`. 

Then we can define a controller with the more common operations and after add the queries that we need it. 

defmodule MongoAgile.Examples.Api.ApiController do

  use MongoAgile.Controller,
    collection: "test_api",
    pid_mongo: :mongo,
    install_api: true

  # When install_api: true
  # You will can use the following methods
  # get(id)
  # post(doc)
  # put(id, doc)
  # delete(id)
  # patch(id, changeset)

  #... here more queries that you need ...


Now, we can use the methods of our fast api.

alias MongoAgile.Examples.Api.ApiController

test "crud" do
  {:ok, id_mongo} ={"msg" => "hello"})

  {:ok, doc_in_mongo} = ApiController.get(id_mongo)
  assert doc_in_mongo["msg"] == "hello"

  result = ApiController.patch(id_mongo, %{"msg" => "hello world"})
  assert result == {:ok, "updated"}

  {:ok, doc_in_mongo} = ApiController.get(id_mongo)
  assert doc_in_mongo["msg"] == "hello world"

  result = ApiController.put(id_mongo, %{"message" => "hi"})
  assert result == {:ok, "updated"}

  {:ok, doc_in_mongo} = ApiController.get(id_mongo)
  assert doc_in_mongo["msg"] == nil
  assert doc_in_mongo["message"] == "hi"

  result = ApiController.delete(id_mongo)
  assert result == {:ok, "it was deleted"}

## Usage example

### Writing queries into Controller

defmodule MongoAgile.Examples.Customer.CustomerController do
  use MongoAgile.Controller,
    collection: "test_customers",
    pid_mongo: :mongo

  find_one "get",
    where: %{"_id" => id}

  find "get_all", limit: limit

  find "get_active_customers",
    where: %{"state" => "active"},
    limit: limit

  update "validate",
    set: %{"$set" => %{"state" => "active"}},
    where: %{"$or" => [
      %{"" => %{"$exists" => true}},
      %{"" => %{"$exists" => true}},

  insert_one "create", document: customer
  insert "create_customers", documents: customers

  delete_one "remove",
    where: %{"_id" => id}

  delete "remove_all",
    where: %{}


### Run queries

pep = CustomerModel.constructor("Pep","","909 909 909")
{flag, id_mongo} = CustomerController.run_query("create",[customer: pep])
assert flag == :ok

{flag, pep_from_db} = CustomerController.run_query("get",[id: id_mongo])
assert flag == :ok

assert CustomerModel.get_name(pep_from_db) == "Pep"
assert CustomerModel.get_contact_email(pep_from_db) == ""
assert CustomerModel.get_contact_phone(pep_from_db) == "909 909 909"

result = CustomerController.run_query("remove",[id: id_mongo])
assert result == {:ok, "it was deleted"}

### Writing model using MapSchema Library

You can use `:mongo_id => MongoAgile.MapSchema.IdObjectType` like a custom type for can use BSON_ID type, this let you encode and decode the documents to Json 

defmodule MongoAgile.Examples.Customer.CustomerModel do

  use MapSchema,
    schema: %{
        "_id" => :mongo_id,
        "name" => :string,
        "contact" => %{
          "email" => :string,
          "phone" => :string
        "state" => :string
    custom_types: %{
      :mongo_id => MongoAgile.MapSchema.IdObjectType

  def constructor(name, email, phone) do
    |> put_name(name)
    |> put_contact_email(email)
    |> put_contact_phone(phone)
    |> put_state("active")


### Example Schema Versioning & Update:

For each querie we can define the functions `after` and `before`.

def get_before([id: id]) do
  #.. here can adapt the args before of make the query ..

  [id: id]

find_one "get",
  where: %{"_id" => id}

def get_after(result_query) do
  #.. here can adapt the result of query .. 


In this example we are using after and before functions for update schema.

defmodule MongoAgile.Examples.Schema.SchemaController do
  use MongoAgile.Controller,
    collection: "test_schema_versioning",
    pid_mongo: :mongo

  alias MongoAgile.Examples.Schema.SchemaModel

  find_one "get",
    where: %{"_id" => id}

  # When recive a document it´s procesate with the model
  # to adapt the version if it needs.
  def get_after(result_query) do
    case result_query do
      {:ok, doc} ->
        {:ok, SchemaModel.versioning(doc)}
      _otherwise ->

  insert_one "create", document: doc

  delete_one "remove", where: %{"_id" => id}

  replace "replace",
    document: doc,
    where: %{"_id" => id}

  # .. here others queries ..


The model check the version, adapt the documents that havent the actual schema and return the documents always with the actual schema that our app it´s waiting. 

defmodule MongoAgile.Examples.Schema.SchemaModel do

  use MapSchema,
    schema: %{
        "_id" => :mongo_id,
        "schema_version" => :integer,
        #... here more fields of schema model
    custom_types: %{
      :mongo_id => MongoAgile.MapSchema.IdObjectType

  alias MongoAgile.Examples.Schema.SchemaController

  @schema_version 2

  def versioning(doc) do
   if doc["schema_version"] == @schema_version do
     {:versioning, "ok", doc}
     # Here update version the process of update version

     doc = put_schema_version(doc, @schema_version)

     ## After adapt the schema can make the replace
     Task.start(fn() ->
        SchemaController.run_query("replace", [id: doc["_id"], doc: doc)

     {:versioning, "updating", doc}

  #... here more functions of model


## About 

The mission of `:mongo_agile` is create a elixir library that let work easily with MongoDB.

### Thanks

We have create this library using the MongoDB driver for Elixir `:mongodb` and its official documentation. We want thanks the authors, and all contributors of the `:mongodb` for the Great Job! Thanks.
