# Mongoman

Configures and starts local or distributed MongoDB clusters. This library can be
used just for your tests, or you can use it as a core component in your project.


- [x] Configure replica sets
- [x] Starts and manages `mongod` processes through Docker: no Erlang ports
- [ ] Automatically reconfigure and reuse existing Mongo containers
- [ ] Configure sharded clusters
- [ ] Temporarily remove a node from a replica set to rebuild big indexes (WIP)

## Installation

Add `mongoman` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

  def deps do
    [{:mongoman, "~> 0.1.6"}]

## Examples

Start a replica set named `"my_repl_set"` with 9 members:

    alias Mongoman.{ReplicaSet, ReplicaSetConfig}
    {:ok, pid} = ReplicaSet.start_link(ReplicaSetConfig.make("my_repl_set", 9))

## QA

#### The tests are slow!

Sorry, that's just how long it takes to start up and shut down all those Mongo
instances. Some of the tests need to start and stop the entire cluster
sequentially as well. Right now it takes about a minute to run on my machine.

## Prior Art
