# Monitor

Monitor provides a rudimentary (but hopefully -- eventually -- simple yet powerful) API
for querying and monitoring the status of servers, server processes,
Elixir nodes, and Elixir processes.

The Monitor runs as a supervised GenServer, so if it crashes, it should
get automatically restarted and its new PID associated with its `:global`
name, which looks something like `{Monitor.Server, :"node@server"}`.

## Usage

To start up one or more Elixir nodes running `Monitor`:

iex --name "m1@" -S mix

When the node starts up, it will start a `Monitor.Server` instance on the node and output a message like:

"Starting a Monitor.Server on node :\"m1@\" with PID #PID<0.182.0> and name {:global, {Monitor.Server, :\"m1@\"}}"


### Finding the server's :global name & PID

To find the PID of the `Monitor.Server` on the local node:

{Monitor.Server, node()} |> :global.whereis_name()



To find the PID of the `Monitor.Server` on a named node:

{Monitor.Server, :"m2@"} |> :global.whereis_name()


:"m2@" |> Monitor.Server.monitor_pid()

### Memory usage

To look up the current node's memory usage:


To look up a specific node's memory usage:

node() |> Monitor.Server.monitor_pid |> Monitor.Server.mem

This should return output like:

  allocated: 22520721408,
  pct_used: 67.07508261746172,
  total: 33575391232,
  worst_pid: {#PID<0.195.0>, 372624}

### System memory usage

To look up the current node's system memory usage:


To look up a specific node's system memory usage:

node() |> Monitor.Server.monitor_pid |> Monitor.Server.sys_mem

This should return output like:

  buffered_memory: 1577607168,
  cached_memory: 9958359040,
  free_memory: 11125661696,
  free_swap: 0,
  pct_free: 33.1363575754744,
  pct_used: 66.86364242452561,
  system_pct_free: 33.1363575754744,
  system_total_memory: 33575391232,
  total_memory: 33575391232,
  total_swap: 0

### Disk usage

To look up the current node's disk usage:


To look up a specific node's disk usage:

node() |> Monitor.Server.monitor_pid |> Monitor.Server.disk

This should return output like:

  %{disk_id: "/dev", pct_used: 0.0, total_kbytes: 16363208},
  %{disk_id: "/run", pct_used: 1.0, total_kbytes: 3278848},
  %{disk_id: "/", pct_used: 88.0, total_kbytes: 980675660},

### CPU usage

To look up the current node's CPU usage:


To look up a specific node's CPU usage:

node() |> Monitor.Server.monitor_pid |> Monitor.Server.cpu

This should return output like:

  cpu_rup_load_15_mins: 0.890625,
  cpu_rup_load_1_min: 1.0390625,
  cpu_rup_load_5_mins: 0.7890625,
  cpu_usage_pct: 27.03737166435444

### Unix processes

To look up the current node's number of Unix processes:


To look up a specific node's number of Unix processes:

node() |> Monitor.Server.monitor_pid |> Monitor.Server.unix_procs

This should return output like:

%{num_unix_procs: 2399}

## Installation

If [available in Hex](, the package can be installed
by adding `monitor` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:monitor, "~> 0.1.1"}

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