defmodule Moon.Design.Dropdown.Input do
@moduledoc "Element that triggers Dropdown component, renders as a HTML input inside div with some addons"
use Moon.StatelessComponent, slot: "trigger"
@doc "Data-testid attribute for html tag"
prop(testid, :string)
@doc "Id attribute for html tag"
prop(id, :string)
@doc "Additional CSS classes for the html tag"
prop(class, :css_class)
@doc "Additional classes for the <input> tag in case of floating label or Group"
prop(field_class, :css_class, from_context: :field_class)
@doc "Text to be shown when no value given"
prop(placeholder, :string)
@doc "Value to be shown"
prop(value, :string)
@doc "Some additional styling will be set to indicate field is iinvalid"
prop(error, :boolean, from_context: :error)
@doc "Site of the select"
prop(size, :string, values!: ~w(sm md lg), from_context: :size)
@doc "If the item should be marked as disabled"
prop(disabled, :boolean, from_context: :disabled)
@doc "Dropdown opening action, only from context"
prop(open_me, :event, from_context: :open_me)
@doc "Actually - on_keyup event for the input, use it for filter options with new user input"
prop(on_keyup, :event)
@doc "Event that fired when trigger is clicked"
prop(on_trigger, :event, from_context: :on_trigger)
@doc "If the open indicator is active or not"
prop(is_open, :boolean, from_context: :is_open)
@doc "Keyword | Map of additional attributes for the input"
prop(attrs, :any, default: %{})
@doc "Some buttons and icons over the input"
def render(assigns) do
<div class="relative w-full">
class={"moon-comboinput", @field_class, @class}
<#slot />