# Moxinet
Mocking server that, just like `mox`, allows parallel testing.
## Installation
If [available in Hex](https://hex.pm/docs/publish), the package can be installed
by adding `moxinet` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:
def deps do
{:moxinet, "~> 0.1.0"}
## Usage
To use `moxinet` you must first define your mock server, from which you'll forward
mock-specific requests:
# test/support/mock_server.ex
defmodule MockServer do
use Moxinet.Server
forward("/github", to: GithubMock)
Start `moxinet` in `test_helper.exs` (before `ExUnit.start()`)
{:ok, _} = Moxinet.start()
If you're familiar with `plug`, you'll see that our mock server is indeed a plug and can therefore
be extended like one.
After you've added your server, mocks can be defined:
# test/support/mocks/github_mock.ex
defmodule GithubMock do
use Moxinet.Mock
In tests, you can create rules for how your mocks should behave through `expect/4`:
describe "create_pr/1" do
test "creates a pull request when" do
GithubMock.expect(:post, "/pull-requests/123", fn _payload ->
%{status: 202, body: %{id: "pull-request-id"}}
assert {:ok, %{status: 202, body: %{"id" => "pull-request-id"}}}} = GithubAPI.create_pr(title: "My PR")
**NOTE**: One small caveat with `moxinet` is that in order for us to be able to match
a mock defined in a request with an incoming request, the requests must send the `x-moxinet-ref` header.
Most HTTP libraries allows adding custom headers to your requests, but that might not always be the case.
It's also not recommended to send the `x-moxinet-ref` header outside your test environment, meaning you'd
likely want to do find a way to conditionally add it. Here is one example on how to achieve it in `req`:
defmodule GithubAPI do
def client do
# ...
|> add_moxinet_header()
defmacrop add_moxinet_header(req) do
if Mix.env() == :test do
quote do
{header_name, header_value} = Moxinet.build_mock_header()
Req.Request.put_new_header(unquote(req), header_name, header_value)
quote do
## How it works
`Moxinet` works a lot similar to `mox` except it'll focus on solving the same issue for HTTP request.
The test pid will be registered in the mock registry, where it can later be accessed from inside the mock.
flowchart TD
TP[Test pid] --> MR[Mock registry]
GMS <--> MR
TP --> API[Github API]
API -.HTTP request.-> MS[Mock server]
MS --> GMS[Github Mock]
GMS -.HTTP response.-> API
Documentation can be generated with [ExDoc](https://github.com/elixir-lang/ex_doc)
and published on [HexDocs](https://hexdocs.pm). Once published, the docs can
be found at <https://hexdocs.pm/moxinet>.