# MplBubblegumNifs

A library in Elixir for handling compressed NFTs (cNFTs) on Solana. Published here <>

## Installation

Add `mpl_bubblegum_nifs` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

  def deps do
      {:mpl_bubblegum_nifs, "~> 0.1.0"}

Then run:

mix deps.get


## Usage

### 1. Initialize Connection
Before using the library, establish a connection to Solana RPC. **Use a Helius RPC URL, as native Solana RPC does not support DAS API.**

MplBubblegum.Connection.create_connection(secret_key, rpc_url)


### 2. Create a Merkle Tree
This function initializes a new Merkle tree, which is required for minting compressed NFTs.

merkle_tree = MplBubblegum.create_tree_config()
IO.puts("Tree created at: #{merkle_tree}")


### 3. Mint a Compressed NFT
To mint a cNFT, provide the Merkle tree address and metadata details.

tx = MplBubblegum.mint_v1(
  "9ppyWc9LjccAJPchEoPYatZQgk5PwJgUhZi3rTd8skcE", # Merkle tree address
  "Solana Warrior",    # NFT Name
  "SW",               # Symbol
  "", # Metadata URI
  250,               # Seller Fee Basis Points
  100                # Creator Share

IO.puts("Minted cNFT, tx: #{tx}")


### 4. Transfer a cNFT
To transfer ownership of a compressed NFT, provide the asset ID and recipient's address.

tx = MplBubblegum.transfer(
  "6pfiemDtGpzFTWmT2rfNmvMAdPzvYcdzXJXquwjbB97q", # Asset ID
  "6hxBtjckJxUf9FM8V9dDq1Wux5azG2a64osiNwP1KwDN" # Recipient Address

IO.puts("Transferred cNFT, tx: #{tx}")


## Docs
Autogenerated docs can be found here <>

## License

This project is licensed under the MIT License.