# MrT
<img src="" alt="alt text" height="200">

Instant code-reloader and test runner for Elixir in one package.
Currently tightly coupled to ExUnit and the conventional folder structure of Elixir packages.

## Installation

If [available in Hex](, the package can be installed as:

  1. Add `mr_t` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

    def deps do
      [{:mr_t, "~> 0.5.0", only: [:test, :dev]}]

## Code Reloader
    $ iex -s mix
    # this starts only the code reloading, because we are in the :dev environment
    iex> MrT.start
    # now write some code in the editor, it will be immediately available in the IEx console

## Testrunner
    $ MIX_ENV=test iex -s mix
    # this starts test runner and  code reloading, because we are in the :test environment
    iex> MrT.start
    # now code / write unit tests

    ## for more manual control:
    # run tests only with "user" in filename
    iex> MrT.test_runner.run_matching(["user"])
    # run all tests
    iex> MrT.test_runner.run_all

### Inspired by:
  - [ExSync](
  - [mix](

### TODO
    [ ] make configuration more flexible
    [ ] handle file deletion in Monitor.Src
    [ ] write unit tests
    [ ] make compatible with Phoenix/complex projects (?)