# Msgpax [![Build Status](](

This library provides an API for serializing and de-serializing Elixir terms using the [MessagePack]( format.

## Installation

Add Msgpax as a dependency in your `mix.exs` file:

def deps do
  [{:msgpax, "~> 0.5"}]

After you are done, run `mix deps.get` in your shell to fetch the dependencies.

## Usage

{:ok, iodata} = Msgpax.pack([300, "Spartans"])
# => {:ok, [<<146>>, [<<205, 1, 44>>, [<<168>>, "Spartans"]]]}
iodata = Msgpax.pack!([300, "Spartans"])
# ...
{:ok, term} = Msgpax.unpack(iodata)
# => {:ok, [300, "Spartans"]}
term = Msgpax.unpack!(iodata)
# => [300, "Spartans"]

#### Stream-oriented deserialization

{term1, rest} = Msgpax.unpack_slice!(buffer)
# => {[1,2,3], <<4>>}
{:ok, term2, rest} = Msgpax.unpack_slice(rest)
# => {:ok, 4, ""}

#### Binary format

msgbin = Msgpax.binary(<<3, 18, 122, 27, 115>>)
# => %Msgpax.Binary{data: <<3, 18, 122, 27, 115>>}
iodata = Msgpax.pack!(msgbin)
# => [<<196, 5>>, <<3, 18, 122, 27, 115>>]
# ...
code = Msgpax.unpack!(iodata, %{binary: true})
# => %Msgpax.Binary{data: <<3, 18, 122, 27, 115>>}

#### Packer protocol deriving

defmodule User do
  @derive [Msgpax.Packer]
  defstruct [:name]

Msgpax.pack!(%User{name: "Lex"})
# => [<<129>>, [[[<<164>>, "name"], [<<163>>, "Lex"]]]]

## Data conversion

Elixir                         | MessagePack   | Elixir
------------------------------ | ------------- | -------------
`nil`                          | nil           | `nil`
`true`                         | boolean       | `true`
`false`                        | boolean       | `false`
`-1`                           | integer       | `-1`
`1.25`                         | float         | `1.25`
`:ok`                          | string        | `"ok"`
`Atom`                         | string        | `"Elixir.Atom"`
`"str"`                        | string        | `"str"`
`"\xFF\xFF"`                   | string        | `"\xFF\xFF"`
`%Msgpax.Binary{data: "\xFF"}` | binary        | `"\xFF"`
`%{foo: "bar"}`                | map           | `%{"foo" => "bar"}`
`[foo: "bar"]`                 | map           | `%{"foo" => "bar"}`
`[1, true]`                    | array         | `[1, true]`

## License

This software is licensed under [the ISC license](LICENSE).