# MssqlEcto

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Ecto Adapter for [Mssqlex](

## WARNING! Testing In Progress

Please note, that we are still developing and testing this adapter and have not yet got it running in production.

We are currently only testing using Elixir on Linux.

If you find any issues with the software please report them using the [GitHub Issue Tracker](

## Installation

### Erlang ODBC Application

MssqlEcto requires the [Erlang ODBC application]( to be installed. This might require the installation of an additional package depending on how you have installed Elixir/Erlang (e.g. on Ubuntu `sudo apt-get install erlang-odbc`).

### Microsoft's ODBC Driver

MssqlEcto depends on Microsoft's ODBC Driver for SQL Server. You can find installation instructions for [Linux]( or [other platforms]( on the official site.

### Hex

This package is availabe in Hex, the package can be installed by adding `mssql_ecto` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
  [{:mssql_ecto, "~> 0.1"}]

If you are running an Elixir version below 1.4 or you have the `applcations` key set in your application options, you will also need to update your list of running applications:

def application do
  [applications: [:logger, :mssql_ecto, :ecto]]

## Configuration

Example configuration:

config :my_app, MyApp.Repo,
  adapter: MssqlEcto,
  database: "sql_server_db",
  username: "bob",
  password: "mySecurePa$$word",
  hostname: "localhost"

## Type Mappings

| Ecto Type       | SQL Server Type    | Caveats                             |
| :id             | int                |                                     |
| :serial         | int identity(1, 1) |                                     |
| :binary_id      | char(36)           |                                     |
| :uuid           | char(36)           |                                     |
| :string         | nvarchar           |                                     |
| :binary         | nvarchar(4000)     | Limited size, not fully implemented |
| :integer        | int                |                                     |
| :boolean        | bit                |                                     |
| {:array, type}  | list of type       | Not Supported                       |
| :map            | nvarchar(4000)     | Not Supported                       |
| {:map, _}       | nvarchar(4000)     | Not Supported                       |
| :date           | date               |                                     |
| :time           | time               | Can write but can't read            |
| :utc_datetime   | datetime2          |                                     |
| :naive_datetime | datetime2          |                                     |
| :float          | float              |                                     |
| :decimal        | decimal            |                                     |

## SQL Server version compatibility

- [x] SQL Server 2016
- [ ] SQL Server 2014
- [ ] SQL Server 2012
- [ ] SQL Server 2008

## Features not yet implemented

* Table comments
* Column comments
* On conflict
* Constraint checking