# MssqlEcto
[Ecto](https://github.com/elixir-ecto/ecto) Adapter for
## Installation
### Erlang ODBC Application
MssqlEcto requires the
[Erlang ODBC application](http://erlang.org/doc/man/odbc.html) to be installed.
This might require the installation of an additional package depending on how
you have installed Elixir/Erlang (e.g. on Ubuntu
`sudo apt-get install erlang-odbc`).
### Microsoft's ODBC Driver
MssqlEcto depends on Microsoft's ODBC Driver for SQL Server. You can find
installation instructions for
[other platforms](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/connect/odbc/microsoft-odbc-driver-for-sql-server)
on the official site.
### Mix
Add the following to your mix file:
def deps do
[{:mssql_ecto, "~> 2.0.0-beta.0"}]
## Configuration
Example configuration:
config :my_app, MyApp.Repo,
adapter: MssqlEcto,
database: "sql_server_db",
username: "bob",
password: "mySecurePa$$word",
hostname: "localhost",
instance_name: "MSSQLSERVER",
port: "1433"
## Example Project
An example project using mssql_ecto with Docker has kindly been created by
[Chase Pursłey](https://github.com/cpursley). It can be viewed
## Type Mappings
### Needs testing/validation
| Ecto Type | SQL Server Type | Caveats |
| :-------------: | :------------------: | :---------------------------------: |
| :id | int | |
| :serial | int identity(1, 1) | |
| :bigserial | bigint identity(1,1) | |
| :binary_id | char(36) | |
| :uuid | char(36) | |
| :string | nvarchar | |
| :binary | nvarchar(4000) | Limited size, not fully implemented |
| :integer | int | |
| :boolean | bit | |
| {:array, type} | list of type | Not Supported |
| :map | nvarchar(4000) | Not Supported |
| {:map, \_} | nvarchar(4000) | Not Supported |
| :date | date | |
| :time | time | Can write but can't read |
| :utc_datetime | datetime2 | |
| :naive_datetime | datetime2 | |
| :float | float | |
| :decimal | decimal | |
## Features not yet implemented
- Table comments
- Column comments
- On conflict
- Upserts
## Known Issues
See the the list of [known issues](https://github.com/findmypast-oss/mssqlex#known-issues).
## Contributing
### Test Setup
Running the tests requires an instance of SQL Server running on
`localhost` and certain configuration variables set as environment variables:
- MSSQL_DVR should be set to the ODBC driver to be used. Usually
`SQL Server Native Client 11.0` on Windows, `ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server` on
- MSSQL_UID should be set to the name of a login with sufficient permissions,
e.g. `sa`
- MSSQL_PWD should be set to the password for the above account
The tests will create a database named `mssql_ecto_integration_test`
The script `/bash_scripts/setup_test_db.sh` starts a docker image that holds
the test database.
### Code of Conduct
This project had a
[Code of Conduct](https://github.com/findmypast-oss/mssql_ecto/blob/master/docs/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md)
if you wish to contribute to this project, please abide by its rules.