# Yamaha MusicCast™

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Elixir implementation of Yamaha's MusicCast™ multiroom audio solution.

## Documentation

See the [online documentation]( for more information.

## Installation

Add `:musiccast` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
  [{:musiccast, "~> 0.1"}]

## Usage

Start by discovering MusicCast devices on your network:

:ok =

Devices are automatically added to the supervision network, you can list all registered devices as follow:

[{pid, device_id}] = MusicCast.which_devices()

You can control a device using the `MusicCast.Network.Entity` module:

:ok = MusicCast.Network.Entity.set_volume(pid, 50)
:ok = MusicCast.Network.Entity.set_playback("pause")

You also have the possibility to subscribe to notifications from a specific device:

:ok = MusicCast.subscribe(device_id)