# MySensors
## Usage
The package can be installed
by adding `my_sensors` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:
def deps do
{:my_sensors, "~> 0.1.0"}
then in `config.exs`:
config :my_sensors, MySensors.Repo,
adapter: Sqlite.Ecto2, # or postgres if you want.
database: "/path/to/my_sensors_db.sqlite3",
# Don't change this one.
priv: "priv/repo"
config :my_sensors, ecto_repos: [MySensors.Repo]
config :my_sensors, json_handler: Jason # Or Poison if you want.
Before starting the app you will need to do:
mix ecto.migrate -r MySensors.Repo
Mix.Tasks.Ecto.Migrate.run ["-r", "MySensors.Repo"]
or add
worker(Task, [MySensors.Repo.Migrator, :run, []], [restart: :transient]),
to your Application startup.