# MySportsFeeds

A HTTP wrapper for the [My Sports Feeds API](

Provides a caching layer out of the box as well.

## Installation

If [available in Hex](, the package can be installed
by adding `my_sports_feeds` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
  [{:my_sports_feeds, "~> 0.1.0"}]

## Config

In you `config.exs` file put something like.  Match the environment variable you use when running your application.
config :my_sports_feeds, token: System.get_env("MY_SPORTS_FEEDS_TOKEN")

## Running

You will need an account with My Sports Feeds, then place your login:password in the `MY_SPORTS_FEEDS_TOKEN` environments variable.

▶ MY_SPORTS_FEEDS_TOKEN="<your_token>" iex -S mix

Make an API call


iex(1)> MySportsFeeds.NFL.daily_player_stats("2016-09-11")

21:04:28.071 [info]  Go for URL:

21:05:12.620 [info]  Got results...parsing
 %{"dailyplayerstats" => %{"lastUpdatedOn" => "2017-04-30 10:05:05 PM",
     "playerstatsentry" => [%{"player" => %{"FirstName" => "Jared",
          "ID" => "6923", "JerseyNumber" => "84", "LastName" => "Abbrederis",

Filtered results

iex(3)> MySportsFeeds.NBA.daily_player_stats("2017-05-01", "latest",  %{player: "Lebron-James"})

22:56:18.708 [info]  Go for URL:

22:56:19.024 [info]  Got results...parsing
 %{"dailyplayerstats" => %{"lastUpdatedOn" => "2017-05-02 3:44:02 PM",
     "playerstatsentry" => [%{"player" => %{"FirstName" => "LeBron",
          "ID" => "9158", "JerseyNumber" => "23", "LastName" => "James",
          "Position" => "SF"},
        "stats" => %{"FoulFlag1PerGame" => %{"#text" => "0.0",
            "@abbreviation" => "FF1/G", "@category" => "Miscellaneous"},
          "FgAttPerGame" => %{"#text" => "23.0", "@abbreviation" => "FGA/G",
            "@category" => "Field Goals"},
          "Fg3PtMadePerGame" => %{"#text" => "2.0", "@abbreviation" => "3PM/G",
            "@category" => "Field Goals"},

View cached keys with Cachex API

iex(3)> Cachex.keys(:app_cache)

If you run the same command again, it should return right away.

iex(4)> MySportsFeeds.NFL.daily_player_stats("2016-09-11")
 %{"dailyplayerstats" => %{"lastUpdatedOn" => "2017-04-30 10:05:05 PM",
     "playerstatsentry" => [%{"player" => %{"FirstName" => "Jared",


Force a API update with %{force: true}

iex(5)> MySportsFeeds.NFL.daily_player_stats("2016-09-11", %{force: true})