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Telegram Bot API Wrapper written in Elixir ([document](

## Installation
Add Nadia to your `mix.exs` dependencies:

def deps do
  [{:nadia, "~> 0.3.0"}]
and run `$ mix deps.get`.

## Configuration

In `config/config.exs`, add your Telegram Bot token like [this](config/config.exs.example)

config :nadia,
  token: "bot token"

## Usage

### get_me

iex(1)> Nadia.get_me
 %Nadia.Model.User{first_name: "Nadia", id: 666, last_name: nil,
  username: "nadia_bot"}}

Refer to [Nadia document]( and [Telegram Bot API document]( for more details.