defmodule Namor do
@moduledoc """
A subdomain-safe name generator. Check out the [README](readme.html) to get started.
alias Namor.Helpers
@type dictionary_type :: :default | :rugged
@type salt_type :: :numbers | :letters | :mixed
@type_generate_options quote(
do: [
words: integer,
salt: integer,
salt_type: salt_type,
separator: binary
@strip_nonalphanumeric_pattern ~r/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/
@valid_subdomain_pattern ~r/^[\w](?:[\w-]{0,61}[\w])?$/
@reserved Namor.Helpers.get_dict!("reserved.txt")
@dictionaries %{
default: Namor.Helpers.get_dict!(:default),
rugged: Namor.Helpers.get_dict!(:rugged)
@doc false
defmacro __using__(_opts) do
quote do
# TODO: Allow custom dictionaries to be passed through `opts`
@doc """
Get Namor's dictionaries.
@spec get_dictionaries :: %{binary => Namor.Dictionary.t()}
def get_dictionaries, do: @dictionaries
@doc """
Get Namor's reserved word list.
@spec get_reserved :: [binary]
def get_reserved, do: @reserved
@doc """
Generates a random name from a Namor dictionary.
Returns `{:ok, name}` for a successfully generated name, or
`{:error, reason}` if something goes wrong. See [Custom Dictionaries](
for instructions on how to use a custom dictionary.
## Options
* `:words` - Number of words to generate. Must be <=4. Defaults to `2`.
* `:salt` - Length of the salt to append. Must be >=0. Defaults to `0`.
* `:salt_type` - Whether the salt should contain numbers, letters, or both. Defaults to `:mixed`.
* `:separator` - String to use as a separator between words. Defaults to `-`.
* `:dictionary` - Namor dictionary to use. Defaults to `:default`.
## Error Reasons
* `:dict_not_found` - Could not find the specified dictionary.
## Example
iex> require Namor
iex> Namor.generate(words: 3, dictionary: :rugged)
{:ok, "savage-whiskey-stain"}
@spec generate([unquote_splicing(@type_generate_options), dictionary: dictionary_type]) ::
{:ok, binary} | {:error, atom}
defmacro generate(opts \\ []) when is_list(opts) do
{dictionary, opts} = Keyword.pop(opts, :dictionary, :default)
quote do
case Namor.get_dictionaries() |> Map.get(unquote(dictionary)) do
nil -> {:error, :dict_not_found}
dict -> Namor.generate(unquote(opts), dict)
@doc """
Generates a random name from a custom dictionary.
Returns `{:ok, name}` for a successfully generated name. Takes the
same options as `generate/1` with the exception of `:dictionary`.
@spec generate(unquote(@type_generate_options), Namor.Dictionary.t()) :: {:ok, binary}
def generate(opts, %Namor.Dictionary{} = dict) when is_list(opts) do
words = Keyword.get(opts, :words, 2)
salt = Keyword.get(opts, :salt, 0)
salt_type = Keyword.get(opts, :salt_type, :mixed)
separator = Keyword.get(opts, :separator, "-") |> to_string()
name =
|> Helpers.get_pattern()
|> Enum.map_join(separator, &(Map.get(dict, &1) |> Enum.random()))
{:ok, if(salt > 0, do: with_salt(name, salt, separator, salt_type), else: name)}
@doc """
Appends a salt to a value.
If you want to use a custom charlist for the salt, use
`Namor.Helpers.get_salt/2` instead.
@spec with_salt(binary, integer, binary, salt_type) :: binary
def with_salt(value, length, separator \\ "-", type \\ :mixed) do
chars =
case type do
:numbers -> '0123456789'
:letters -> 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
:mixed -> 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789'
value <> separator <> Helpers.get_salt(length, chars)
@doc """
Checks whether a value exists in Namor's list of reserved words.
See `reserved?/2` for more info. See [Custom Dictionaries](
for instructions on how to use a custom reserved word list.
@spec reserved?(binary) :: boolean
defmacro reserved?(value) when is_binary(value),
do: quote(do: Namor.reserved?(unquote(value), Namor.get_reserved()))
@doc """
Checks whether a value exists in a provided list of reserved words.
Before checking, the value is stripped of all special characters.
So for example, `log-in` will still return true if `["login"]` is
passed to `reserved`.
@spec reserved?(binary, [binary]) :: boolean
def reserved?(value, reserved) when is_binary(value) and is_list(reserved),
do: Enum.member?(reserved, Regex.replace(@strip_nonalphanumeric_pattern, value, ""))
@doc """
Checks whether a given value is a valid subdomain.
Valid subdomains contain no special characters other than `-`, and
are 63 characters or less.
@spec subdomain?(binary) :: boolean
def subdomain?(value) when is_binary(value),
do: Regex.match?(@valid_subdomain_pattern, value)