# Nanoid port for Elixir [![Build Status](](

Elixir port of NanoID ([](, a tiny, secure URL-friendly unique string ID generator.

**Safe.** It uses cryptographically strong random APIs and tests distribution of symbols.

**Compact.** t uses a larger alphabet than UUID `(A-Za-z0-9_-)`. So ID size was reduced from 36 to 21 symbols.

## Installation

The package can be installed as Hex package:

  1. Add nanoid to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

  def deps do
    [{:nanoid, "~> 2.0.0"}]

  2. Run `mix deps.get` to fetch the package from hex

## Introducing a new generator
With version 2.0.0 [ai]( introduces a new "non-secure" way for creating NanoIDs.
In order to keep this port as close as possible to the original, this possibility was also introduced in this port.
To ensure a certain level of security, `nanoid` uses per default the "secure" token generator.
But according to your preferences, if you don't need "cryptographically strong random tokens", just use the "non-secure" token generator.

## Usage

### Using the "secure" (default) generator
#### Generate secure NanoIDs of custom size by using the default alphabet

Generate a secure NanoID with the default size of 21 characters.
iex> Nanoid.generate()

Generate a secure NanoID with a custom size of 64 characters.
iex> Nanoid.generate(64)

#### Generate secure NanoIDs of custom size by using a custom alphabet

Generate a secure NanoID with the default size of 21 characters and an individual alphabet.
iex> Nanoid.generate(21, "abcdef123")

Generate a secure NanoID with custom size of 64 characters and an individual alphabet.
iex> Nanoid.generate(64, "abcdef123")

### Using the "non-secure" generator
#### Generate non-secure NanoIDs of custom size by using the default alphabet

Generate a non-secure NanoID with the default size of 21 characters.
iex> Nanoid.generate_non_secure()

Generate a non-secure NanoID with a custom size of 64 characters.
iex> Nanoid.generate_non_secure(64)

#### Generate non-secure NanoIDs of custom size and with a custom alphabet

Generate a non-secure NanoID with the default size of 21 characters and an individual alphabet.
iex> Nanoid.generate_non_secure(21, "abcdef123")

Generate a non-secure NanoID with custom size of 64 characters and an individual alphabet.
iex> Nanoid.generate_non_secure(64, "abcdef123")

## License
The MIT License (MIT). Please see [License File]( for more information.