# nats_msg

**nats_msg** is a pure Erlang NATS message encoder/decoder library for
[NATS]( high performance messaging platform.
For details about NATS protocol, see:
[NATS Protocol]( It doesn't
have any dependency other than Erlang/OTP install (16+ *should* be OK) and [rebar3](

## Install

**nats_msg** uses [rebar3]( to build and tests and
it is available on []( Just include the following
in your `rebar.config`:


Alternatively (*for whatever reason you don't like to use*):

    {deps, [
        {nat_msg, {git, "", {branch, "master"}}.

Or, you can just copy `src/nats_msg.erl` to your project to use it.

## Tests

Run the tests using:

    $ rebar3 eunit

## Build

    $ rebar3 compile

## Usage

Binaries are used exclusively throught the library. Encoding a message produces a binary. Decoding a binary produces a `{Messages, RemainingBinary}` tuple.
`Messages` is a list of messages and
`RemainingBinary` is the part of the input which wasn't decoded and returned. The latter
is very useful when dealing with streams, where the input is chunked and requires appending
chunks to be able to decode messages. In those situations, just prepend `RemaningBinary` to
the next binary chunk.

Currently, no error handling is performed.

### INFO

[NATS Spec](

#### Encode

This message requires a JSON object but in order to not introduce a dependency, `nats_msg:info/1`
takes a binary. You can use [jsx]( or [jiffy](
to convert an Erlang map to binary:

    ServerInfo = #{<<"auth_required">> => true, <<"server_id">> => <<"0001-SERVER">>},
    BinaryInfo = jsx:encode(ServerInfo),
    BinaryMsg = nats_msg:info(BinaryInfo).

#### Decode

This message requires a JSON object but in order to not introduce a dependency, `nats_msg:decode/1`
returns `{info, BinaryInfo}` messages. You can use [jsx]( or [jiffy](
to convert `BinaryInfo` to a map:

    Chunk = <<"INFO {\"auth_required\":true,\"server_id\":\"0001-SERVER\"}\r\n">>,
    {[Msg], _} = nats_msg:decode(Chunk),
    {info, BinaryInfo} = Msg,
    ServerInfo = jsx:decode(BinaryInfo, [return_maps]).


[NATS Spec](

#### Encode

This message requires a JSON object but in order to not introduce a dependency, `nats_msg:connect/1`
takes a binary. You can use [jsx]( or [jiffy](
to convert an Erlang map to binary:

    ConnectInfo = #{<<"auth_required">> => true, <<"server_id">> => <<"0001-SERVER">>},
    BinaryInfo = jsx:encode(ServerInfo),
    BinaryMsg = nats_msg:connect(BinaryInfo).

#### Decode

This message requires a JSON object but in order to not introduce a dependency, `nats_msg:decode/1`
returns `{connect, BinaryInfo}` messages. You can use [jsx]( or [jiffy](
to convert `BinaryInfo` to a map:

    Chunk = <<"CONNECT {\"verbose\":true,\"name\":\"the_client\"}\r\n">>,
    {[Msg], _} = nats_msg:decode(Chunk),
    {connect, BinaryInfo} = Msg,
    ClientInfo = jsx:decode(BinaryInfo, [return_maps]).

### PUB

[NATS Spec](

#### Encode

Notify subscribers of a subject:

    BinaryMsg = nats_msg:pub(<<"NOTIFY.INBOX">>).

Send some data (*payload*) to subscribers, providing a *reply* subject:

    BinaryMsg = nats_msg:pub(<<"FOOBAR">>, <<"REPRAP">>, <<"Hello, World!">>).

Send some data (*payload*) to subscribers (*without a reply subject*):

    BinaryMsg = nats_msg:pub(<<"FOOBAR">>, undefined, <<"Hello, World!">>).

### Decode


    Chunk = <<"PUB NOTIFY 0\r\n\r\n">>,
    {[Msg], _} = nats_msg:decode(Chunk),
    {pub, {Subject, ReplyTo, PayloadSize}, Payload} = Msg,
    % Subject = <<"NOTIFY">>,
    % ReplyTo = undefined,
    % PayloadSize = 0,
    % Payload = <<>>.

Publish message with replier and payload:

    Chunk = <<"PUB FRONT.DOOR INBOX.22 11\r\nKnock Knock\r\n">>,
    {[Msg], _} = nats_msg:decode(Chunk),
    {pub, {Subject, ReplyTo, PayloadSize}, Payload} = Msg,
    % Subject = <<"FRONT.DOOR">>,
    % ReplyTo = <<"INBOX.22">>,
    % PayloadSize = 11,
    % Payload = <<"Knock Knock">>.

### SUB

[NATS Spec](


[NATS Spec](

### MSG

[NATS Spec](

### PING

[NATS Spec](

### PONG

[NATS Spec](

### +OK

[NATS Spec](

### -ERR

[NATS Spec](