# nats.erl

A simple [NATS]( client library for Erlang/OTP.

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_This project is still WIP. Any of the implementations, including exported APIs, may change drastically and frequently._

# Features

- [ ] Connecting to a NATS server
  - [x] A subscriber receiving messages (publish/subscribe)
  - [x] A subscriber receiving  messages (request/reply)
  - [x] A publisher sending messages
  - [x] Keep-alive (PING/PONG) handling
  - [ ] Unsubscribing
  - [ ] Using TLS
- [ ] Authentications
  - [ ] Token Authentication
  - [ ] Username/Password credentials
  - [ ] TLS Certificate
  - [ ] NKEY with Challenge
  - [ ] Decentralized JWT Authentication/Authorization

# Usage

See [Subscriber/Publisher examples](./example) for details.

%% Start gen_server with network info.
natserl:start_link(#{remote_address => Host, % server address
                     remote_port => P,       % server port
                     ping_interval => 1000   % interval to send PING

%% Connect to your NATS server.
%% Info has the contents of INFO message from the server.
{ok, Info} = natserl:connect(),

%% Subscribe or publish with required parameters.
ok = natserl:subscribe(Subject, SID),
ok = natserl:publish(Subject, Message),

%% After subscribing, received messages are sent to your Pid.
    Msg ->
        io:format("Received: ~p~n", [Msg]),

# Running examples

Compile everything first in the project root.

rebar3 compile

Run the subscriber example.  
Params: `<server address> <server port> <subject> <sid>`.

./example/subscribe.escript 4222 11

Then run the publisher example on another terminal session.  
Params: `<server address> <server port> <subject> <message>`.

./example/publish.escript 4222 "msg to publish"

## Author(s)

Yoshiyuki Kurauchi ([Website]( / [Twitter](, with a lot of help from my teammates in [Working Group Two](

_We're always open to welcome co-authors! Please feel free to talk to us._


[Apache License 2.0](./LICENSE)