# An Elixir framework for [NATS](
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_Elixir style_ documentation is located [here](

## Getting Started

The framework requires Elixir 1.2.2 or above. To use it in your project,
add the following to your `mix.exs`:

defp deps do
    # for github
    [{:nats, git: ""}]
    # for hex (forthcoming)
    [{:natsio, "~> 0.1.5"}]

## To build and/or test from sources

Clone, fork or pull this repository. And then:

$ mix deps.get
$ mix compile
$ mix test

To run the examples:

$ mix run examples/sub.exs
$ mix run examples/pub.exs

The default NATS configuration looks for a [gnatsd]( instance running on the default port of 4222 on

You can override the configuration by passing a map to `Client.start_link`. For example:

  alias Nats.Client
  nats_conf = %{host: "some-host", port: 3222,
                tls_required: true,
                auth: %{ user: "some-user", pass: "some-pass"}}
  {:ok, ref} = Client.start_link(nats_conf), "subject", "hello NATS world!")

The framework leverages the standard logger, by default only errors are logged. To view additional logging, update your `config/config.exs`:
use Mix.Config

# debug will log most everything
# info prints connection lifecycle events
# error prints errors
config :logger, level: :debug

## Status

Most NATS related capabilities are in place: publishing, subscribing, tls,

Elixir Application, supervisor/monitor and environment support needs improved

Documentation is minimal. For now:

$ mix docs
$ open docs/index.html
$ cat examples/*.exs

## License


Copyright 2016 Apcera Inc. All rights reserved.