This project is in progress. It is just created and it needs a lot of polishing. Feel free to provide any kind of feedback in issues.

# NavEx
NavEx is the navigation history package for Elixir/Phoenix Framework. It uses adapter pattern and lets you choose between a few adapters to keep your users navigation history.

## Adapters

### NavEx.Adapters.ETS
Keeps user's navigation history in the ETS. It saves user's identity in his cookies.

### NavEx.Adapters.Session
Keeps user's navigation history in session. Might lead to cookies overflow error when navigation history config or links are too long.

## Installation
NavEx can be installed by adding `nav_ex` as a dependency in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:nav_ex, "~> 0.1.0"}

It might be added to HexDependencies once I feel that it is ready enough for it :D

## Configuration:
### NavEx
  config :nav_ex,
    tracked_methods: ["GET"], # what methods to track
    history_length: 10, # what is the history list length per user
    adapter: NavEx.Adapters.ETS # adapter used by NavEx to save data
### Adapters
  config NavEx.Adapters.ETS,
    identity_key: "nav_ex_identity", # name of the key in cookies where the user's identity is saved
    table_name: :navigation_history # name of the ETS table

  config NavEx.Adapters.Session,
    history_key: "nav_ex_history" # name of the key in session where navigation history is saved

## Usage

defmodule MyApp.Router do
  pipeline :browser do

It returns 2nd last path.
# for existing user
iex(1)> NavEx.last_path(conn)
{:ok, "/sample/path"}

# for existing user, but without 2 paths
iex(2)> NavEx.last_path(conn)
{:ok, nil}

# for not existing user
iex(3)> NavEx.last_path(conn)
{:error, :not_found}

It returns Nth path counted from 0.
# for existing user
iex(1)> NavEx.path_at(conn, 5)
{:ok, "/sample/path"}

# for existing user but exceeding paths number
iex(2)> NavEx.path_at(conn, 5)
{:ok, nil}

# for not existing user
iex(3)> NavEx.path_at(conn, 5)
{:error, :not_found}

iex(4)> NavEx.path_at(conn, 999)
** (ArgumentError) Max history depth is 10 counted from 0 to 9. You asked for record number 999.

Lists user's paths. Older paths have higher indexes.
# for existing user
iex(1)> NavEx.list(conn)
{:ok, ["/sample/path/2", "sample/path/1]}

# for not existing user
iex(2)> NavEx.list(conn)
{:error, :not_found}