# ElixirNba

  Elixir implementation of bttmly/nba-client-template uses a large number of undocumented JSON endpoints
  to provide the statistics tables and charts displayed therein.
  This library provides an Elixir client for interacting with many
  of those API endpoints.

  Currently, only the `stats` namespace is available via this library.
  `sportsVu` and `synergy` namespaces are on the todo list.

  ## Examples
  See what endpoints you can hit:

      #=> [:assist_tracker, :box_score, :player_info, ...]

  Each endpoint has two corresponding functions, one with an
  arity of 0 and one with an arity of 1. The 0-arity functions
  return a list of the available query parameters for
  its endpoint.

      #=> ["PlayerID", "SeasonType", "LeagueID"]

  Now that you know what query params you can pass, let's make
  a call to the endpoint by passing in a map of query param

      Nba.Stats.player_info(%{"PlayerID" => "1627742"})

  If you need example values for a query param, use `Nba.Stats.param_values_for/1`.

      #=> ["Ahead or Behind", "Ahead or Tied", "Behind or Tied", ""]