# ElixirNba

  Elixir implementation of bttmly/nba-client-template uses a large number of undocumented JSON endpoints
  to provide the statistics tables and charts displayed therein.
  This library provides an Elixir client for interacting with many
  of those API endpoints.

  Currently, only the `stats` namespace is available via this library.
  `sportsVu` and `synergy` namespaces are on the todo list.

  ## Installation

  Add NBA to your mix.exs dependencies:

  def deps do
    [{:nba, "~> 0.6.0"}]

  ## Examples
  See what endpoints you can hit:

    #=> [:assist_tracker:, :box_score:, :box_score_summary:, ...]

  Pass in the atom `:help` as a parameter to an endpoint function
  to get a list of the available query parameters for the endpoint.

    #=> ["LeagueID", "PerMode", "PlayerID"]
  If you need example values for a query param, use `Nba.Stats.values_for/1`.

    #=> ["Totals", "PerGame", "MinutesPer", "Per48", "Per40", "Per36", "PerMinute", "PerPossession", "PerPlay", "Per100Possessions", "Per100Plays"]

  Now that you know what query params you can pass, we can make
  a call to the endpoint by passing in a map of query param

  The default argument for these functions is an empty map. Default values should be
  filled in for the most part, but as the API is always changing, the app may not fill
  in all the values correctly. Pay attention to the error message to see what was
  missing from the API call.

      #=> {:error, "PlayerID is required"}

  Note: The functions with a `!` raise an exception if the API call results in an error.

      Nba.Stats.player_profile(%{"PlayerID" => 1628366})
      #=> {:ok, %{"CareerHighs" => ...}}

      Nba.Stats.player_profile!(%{"PlayerID" => 1628366})
      #=> %{"CareerHighs" => ...}

      Nba.Stats.player_profile!(%{"PlayerID" => "Go Bruins"})
      #=> ** (RuntimeError) The value 'Go Bruins' is not valid for PlayerID.; PlayerID is required