# NDC Elixir SDK

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## Introduction

This is an Elixir package that wrapps any NDC-compliant API.
It's host-agnostic and flexible through-configuration so that it can reach any NDC hosts with flexibility.

## Installation

If [available in Hex](, the package can be installed as:

  1. Add ndc_ex_sdk to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

        def deps do
          [{:ndc_ex_sdk, "~> 0.0.1"}]

  2. Ensure ndc_ex_sdk is started before your application:

        def application do
          [applications: [:ndc_ex_sdk]]

## Use

  There are three different ways about how to use this package, all of them using the function NDCEx.request.
  The common arguments for three interfaces are the next:
  - *method*: It is the ndc request type, that must to be made (it expect to be an atom).
  - *data*: It is the Elixir structure that must to be build into a XML document. It can be merge with many data from the provider or the consumer config.  

  1. **NDCEx.request/3** -> request(method, data, path) when is_bitstring(path). Where:
    - *path*: It is the path to the provider config file. It must to be a string. It shouldn´t contain the name of the config file, only the route to the folder where the file is. Something like: "test/ndc_providers/#{String.upcase(System.get_env("PROVIDER"))}"
    An example of this first way is the next:  

    acceptable_request: [
      :SeatAvailability, :AirShopping, :OrderCreate, :ServiceList, :ServicePrice, :ItinReshop
    ndc: [
      body: [
        Document: [
          Name: "1.0"

  2. **NDCEx.request/3** -> request(method, data, config). Where:  
    - *config*: It is the provider config structure, in this case, the sdk will not load the provider config file.  
    An example of this second way is the next:  

        NDCEx.request(:AirShopping, [AirShoppingRQ:[foo:"bar"]], "path_to/ndc_providers/WA")

  3. **NDCEx.request/4** -> request(method, data, config_path, credentials) when is_bitstring(config_path) and is_list(credentials). Where:  
    - *config_path*: is the path to the provider config file. It must to be a string (it can be a data structure if the credentials is nil).  
    - *credentials*: is a list with many possible options. But a mandatory field is *consumers*, and it must to be a path to the folder where the consumer (per provider) must to be. I mean, that if there is a consumer called "B512", and we have a provider called "WA", we need to make a route like this: "initial_path/ndc_consumers/B512/WA"  
    This las way accept that credentials can be nil (and in this way -credentials=nil- config can be an structure and a string with the path).  

    +First example:  

        NDCEx.request(:AirShopping, [AirShoppingRQ:[foo:bar]], "path_to/ndc_providers/WA", nil)

    +Second exmaple:   

            acceptable_request: [:SeatAvailability, :AirShopping, :OrderCreate, :ServiceList, :ServicePrice, :ItinReshop],
            ndc: [  
                body: [  
                    Document: [  
                        Name: "1.0"  
        }, nil)  

    +Third example:  

         NDCEx.request(:AirShopping, [AirShoppingRQ:[foo:bar]], "path_to/ndc_providers/WA", [consumer: "initial_path/ndc_consumers/B512/WA"])