# NearApi [![Build Status](]( [![Hex pm](]( [![ downloads](](

Elixir library for DApps development on the NEAR blockchain platform

*Currently in active development, so not recommended to use in

-   [Installation](#installation)
-   [Usage](#usage)
    -   [Access Keys](#access-keys)
    -   [Accounts / Contracts
    -   [Block / Chunk (Backlog)](#block-chunk-backlog)
    -   [Gas (Backlog)](#gas-backlog)
    -   [Protocol (Backlog)](#protocol-backlog)
    -   [Network (Backlog)](#network-backlog)
    -   [Transactions (Backlog)](#transactions-backlog)
    -   [Sandbox (Backlog)](#sandbox-backlog)
## Installation

If [available in Hex](, the package can be
installed by adding `near_api` to your list of dependencies in

``` elixir
def deps do
    {:near_api, "~> 0.1.1"}

## Usage

We used [Livebook]( for API documentation.
To see NEAR API in action please clone this repository and [run Livebook locally from your project folder]( with corresponding `.livemd` file loaded. 

### Access Keys

Retrieve information about an account's access keys.

Docs: <a target="_blank" href="">NEAR API Docs: Access Keys</a>


### Accounts / Contracts (Backlog)

View details about accounts and contracts as well as perform contract

Docs: <a target="_blank" href="">NEAR API Docs: Accounts / Contracts</a>

### Block / Chunk (Backlog)

Query the network and get details about specific blocks or chunks.

Docs: <a target="_blank" href="">NEAR API Docs: Block / Chunk</a>

### Gas (Backlog)

Get gas price for a specific block or hash.

Docs: <a target="_blank" href="">NEAR API Docs: Gas</a>

### Protocol (Backlog)

Retrieve current genesis and protocol configuration.

Docs: <a target="_blank" href="">NEAR API Docs: Protocol</a>

### Network (Backlog)

Return status information for nodes and validators.

Docs: <a target="_blank" href="">NEAR API Docs: Network</a>

### Transactions (Backlog)

Send transactions and query their status.

Docs: <a target="_blank" href="">NEAR API Docs: Transactions</a>

### Sandbox (Backlog)

Patch state on a local sandbox node.

Docs: <a target="_blank" href="">NEAR API Docs: Sandbox</a>

## Contributing

Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at

1. Fork
2. Create Pull request


Documentation can be generated with [ExDoc]( and published on [HexDocs]( Once published, the docs can be found at <>.