# NearestDate

NearestDate is a micro library to help finding the date with the smallest delta to a given date.

iex(1)> dates = [
...(1)>   "1954-12-03 05:57:03.555380Z", 
...(1)>   "1966-08-12 18:31:33.555380Z", 
...(1)>   "2090-04-12 02:08:51.555380Z", 
...(1)>   "2116-09-02 04:21:16.555380Z", 
...(1)>   "2115-11-08 11:48:11.555380Z"
...(1)> ]
iex(2)> NearestDate.find!(dates, "2021-04-16 16:02:51.555380Z")
"2090-04-12 02:08:51.555380Z"

## Installation

If [available in Hex](, the package can be installed
by adding `nearest_date` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:nearest_date, "~> 0.2.0"}

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