# Neat-Ex
This project provides the means to define, simulate, and serialize Artificial-Neural-Networks (ANNs), as well as the means to develop them through use of the Neuro-Evolution of Augmenting Toplogies ([NEAT](http://nn.cs.utexas.edu/downloads/papers/stanley.ec02.pdf)) algorithm created by Dr. Kenneth Stanley.
The beauty of this engine (and Neuro-Evolution in general for that matter), is that one simply needs to define an automated process for determining how good, or how "fit" an ANN is, and evolution will take care of the rest.
## Installation
This project only requires [Elixir](http://elixir-lang.org/).
### Add as a dependency
Add `{:neat_ex, "~> 0.0.2"}` to your mix file, then run `mix deps.get`.
### Or clone a copy
To clone and install, do:
git clone https://gitlab.com/onnoowl/Neat-Ex.git
cd Neat-Ex
mix deps.get
## Documentation
For details, the latest documentation can be found at http://hexdocs.pm/neat_ex/0.0.2/. For example usage, see the example below.
## Example usage
Here's a simple example that shows how to setup an evolution that evolves nerual networks to act like binary XORs, where -1s are like 0s (and 1s are still 1s). The expected behavior is listed in `dataset`, and neural networks are assigned a fitness based on how close to the expected behavior they come. After 50 or so generations, or 10 seconds of computation, the networks exhibit the expected behavior.
dataset = [{{-1, -1}, -1}, {{1, -1}, 1}, {{-1, 1}, 1}, {{1, 1}, -1}] #{{in1, in2} output} -> the expected behavior
fitness = fn ann ->
sim = Ann.Simulation.new(ann)
error = Enum.reduce dataset, 0, fn {{in1, in2}, out}, error ->
result = Dict.get(Ann.Simulation.eval(sim, [{1, in1}, {2, in2}, {3, 1.0}]).data, 4, 0) #node 3 is a "bias node"
error + abs(result - out)
:math.pow(8 - error, 2)
# Make a new network with inputs [1, 2, 3], and outputs [4].
neat = Neat.new_single_fitness(Ann.new([1, 2, 3], [4]), fitness)
#Then evolve it until it reaches fitness level 63 (this fitness's function's max fitness is 64).
{ann, fitness} = Neat.evolveUntil(neat, 63).best
IO.puts Ann.json(ann) #display a json representation of the ANN.
### XOR
mix xor.single
This command runs the sample xor code, evolving a neural network to act as an XOR logic gate. The resulting network can be viewed visually by running the command `./render xor`, and then by opening `xor.png`.
### FishSim
mix fishsim [display_every] [minutes_to_run]
This evolves neural networks to act like fish, and to run away from a shark. Fitness is based on how long fish can survive the shark. It will display ascii art demonstrating the simulation, where the @ sign is the shark, and the digits represent the fish, and the concentration at that specific location (higher numbers show a higher relative concentration of fish).
The evolution will only print out every `display_every` generations (default 1, meaning every generation). Setting it to 5, for example, will evolve for 5 generations between each display (which is far faster).
The evolution lasts `minutes_to_run` minutes (default is 60).
mix fishsim [display_every] [minutes_to_run] [file_to_record_to]
By including a file name, the simulation will record visualization data to the file rather than displaying ascii art. `display_every` becomes handy for limiting the size of the visualization file. To view the recording after it's made, use Jonathan's project found [here](https://gitlab.com/Zanthos/FishSimVisualAid), and pass the file as the first argument.
When the process finishes, you can view the best fish using `./render bestFish`, and then by opening `bestFish.png`
## Testing (for contibuters)
mix test