# Nebulex
> ### A fast, flexible and powerful caching library for Elixir.
> – Not only local but also distributed!

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## Features

* Simple and fluent API inspired by [Ecto](
* Flexible and pluggable architecture like Ecto – based on [adapter pattern](
* Built-in adapters
  - [Local generational cache](
  - [Distributed/Partitioned cache](
  - [Multi-level cache](
* Support for different cache topologies setup (Partitioned, Near, ...)
* Time-based expiration
* [Pre/post execution hooks](
* Transactions (key-locking)
* Key versioning – support for [optimistic offline locks](
* Optional statistics gathering

See the [getting started]( guide
and the [online documentation](

## Installation

Add `nebulex` to your list dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
  [{:nebulex, "~> 1.0.0-rc.2"}]

## Example

# In your config/config.exs file
config :my_app, MyApp.Cache,
  adapter: Nebulex.Adapters.Local,
  n_shards: 2,
  gc_interval: 3600

# In your application code
defmodule MyApp.Cache do
  use Nebulex.Cache, otp_app: :my_app

defmodule MyApp do
  use Application

  def start(_type, _args) do
    import Supervisor.Spec

    children = [
      supervisor(MyApp.Cache, [])

    opts = [strategy: :one_for_one, name: MyApp.Supervisor]
    Supervisor.start_link(children, opts)

# Now it is ready to be used from any other module. Here is an example:
defmodule MyApp.Test do
  alias MyApp.Cache
  alias Nebulex.Object

  def test do
    Cache.set "foo", "bar", ttl: 2

    "bar" = Cache.get "foo"

    true = Cache.has_key? "foo"

    %Object{key: "foo", value: "bar"} = Cache.get "foo", return: :object


    nil = Cache.get "foo"

    nil =
      |> Cache.set("bar", return: :key)
      |> Cache.delete(return: :key)
      |> Cache.get

## Important links

 * [Documentation](
 * [Examples](
 * [Ecto Integration](

## Testing

Testing by default spawns nodes internally for distributed tests.
To run tests that do not require clustering, exclude  the `clustered` tag:

$ mix test --exclude clustered

If you have issues running the clustered tests try running:

$ epmd -daemon

before running the tests.

## Benchmarks

Simple and/or basic benchmarks were added using [benchfella](;
to learn more, see the [bench](./bench) directory.

To run the benchmarks:

$ mix nebulex.bench

However, if you are interested to run more sophisticated load tests, perhaps you
should take a look at the [Nebulex Bench Project](
This project allows you to run your own performance/load tests against
`Nebulex` – additionally it also includes some load tests results.

## Copyright and License

Copyright (c) 2017, Carlos Bolaños.

Nebulex source code is licensed under the [MIT License](LICENSE).