defmodule Needle.Pointer do
@moduledoc """
A Pointer is any object that can be referenced by its id.
Pointer is a simple table consisting of three fields:
* id - the database-unique id for this pointer in ULID format.
* table_id - a type tag, references `Table`.
* deleted_at - timestamp of when the object was deleted, null by default.
To reference `any` object, simply reference `Pointer`:
alias Needle.Pointer
belongs_to :object, Pointer
To define a new object type there are two options, you should choose one:
* `Virtual` - an object type with a view over `Pointer` limited by type.
* `Pointable` - an object type with a table which is kept synchronised with `Pointer`.
For most purposes, you should use a `Virtual`. Pointable exists mostly to support existing code.
The major difference in practice is that you cannot add new fields to a virtual. Most of the time
you will want to store such extra fields in one or more mixins anyway so they may be reused.
See `Mixin` for more information about mixins.
use Ecto.Schema
alias Ecto.Changeset
alias Needle.{Pointer, Table, Tables, ULID}
require Exto
table =
Application.compile_env(:needle, __MODULE__, [])
|> Keyword.get(:source, "pointers_pointer")
@primary_key {:id, ULID, autogenerate: false}
@foreign_key_type ULID
schema(table) do
belongs_to(:table, Table)
field(:pointed, :any, virtual: true)
field(:deleted_at, :utc_datetime_usec)
@doc "Changeset for creating a Pointer"
def create(id \\ Needle.ULID.generate(), table) do
table_id =!(table)
Changeset.cast(%Pointer{}, %{id: id, table_id: table_id}, [:id, :table_id])
# "Changeset for updating which table a Pointer points to."
@doc false
def repoint(%Pointer{} = pointer, table) do
table_id =!(table)
Changeset.cast(pointer, %{table_id: table_id}, [:table_id])