defmodule Needle.Virtual do
@moduledoc """
Sets up an Ecto Schema for a Virtual Pointable
Virtual Pointables (or just `virtuals`) are like pointables with no
additional columns, except instead of being backed by a table they
are backed by a view. This is more efficient of resources but only
works when there are no additional columns to add.
If you need to add columns to the schema, you should use a pointable.
## Sample Usage
use Needle.Virtual,
otp_app: :my_app, # your OTP application's name
source: "my_table", # default name of view in database
table_id: "01EBTVSZJ6X02J01R1XWWPWGZW" # valid ULID to identify virtual
virtual_schema do
# ... `has_one`, `has_many`, or *virtual* fields ONLY go here.
## Overriding with configuration
During `use` (i.e. compilation time), we will attempt to load
configuration from the provided `:otp_app` under the key of the
current module. Any values provided here will override the defaults
provided to `use`. This allows you to configure them after the fact.
Additionally, pointables use `Exto`'s `flex_schema()`, so you can
provide additional configuration for those in the same place. Unlike
a regular pointable, you should not add additional
(non-virtual) fields, but it is permitted to add `has_one` /
`has_many` associations.
I shall say it again because it's important: This happens at
*compile time*. You must rebuild the app containing the pointable
whenever the configuration changes.
## Introspection
Defines a function `__pointers__/1` to introspect data. Recognised
`:role` - `:virtual`.
`:table_id` - retrieves the ULID id of the virtual.
`:otp_app` - retrieves the OTP application to which this belongs.
alias Needle.Util
defmacro __using__(options), do: using(__CALLER__.module, options)
@must_be_in_module "Needle.Virtual may only be used inside a defmodule!"
defp using(nil, _options),
do: raise(RuntimeError, description: @must_be_in_module)
defp using(module, options) do
# raise early if not present
app = Util.get_otp_app(options)
Module.put_attribute(module, __MODULE__, options)
config = Application.get_env(app, module, [])
pointers = emit_pointers(config ++ options)
quote do
use Ecto.Schema
require Exto
require Needle.Changesets
import Needle.Virtual
# this is an attempt to help mix notice that we are using the configuration at compile
# time. In exto, for reasons, we already had to use Application.get_env
_dummy_compile_env = Application.compile_env(unquote(app), unquote(module))
@bad_table_id "You must provide a ULID-formatted binary :table_id option."
@must_use "You must use Needle.Virtual before calling virtual_schema/1."
defp get_table_id(opts), do: check_table_id(Keyword.get(opts, :table_id))
defp check_table_id(x) when is_binary(x),
do: check_table_id_valid(x, Needle.ULID.cast(x))
defp check_table_id(_), do: raise(ArgumentError, message: @bad_table_id)
defp check_table_id_valid(x, {:ok, x}), do: x
defp check_table_id_valid(_, _),
do: raise(ArgumentError, message: @bad_table_id)
defmacro virtual_schema(body)
defmacro virtual_schema(do: body) do
module = __CALLER__.module
schema_check_attr(Module.get_attribute(module, __MODULE__), module, body)
# verifies that the module was `use`d and generates a new schema
defp schema_check_attr(options, module, body) when is_list(options) do
otp_app = Keyword.fetch!(options, :otp_app)
config = Application.get_env(otp_app, module, [])
source = Util.get_source(config ++ options)
quote do
unquote(Util.schema_primary_key(module, options))
schema unquote(source) do
defp schema_check_attr(_, _, _), do: raise(RuntimeError, message: @must_use)
# defines __pointers__
defp emit_pointers(config) do
table_id = get_table_id(config)
otp_app = Util.get_otp_app(config)
Util.pointers_clause(:role, :virtual),
Util.pointers_clause(:table_id, table_id),
Util.pointers_clause(:otp_app, otp_app)