# Nephrotoma

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gleam add nephrotoma@1
import nephrotoma
import gleam/string

pub fn main() {
  let tree = nephrotoma.from_list(string.to_graphemes("hello, world!"))
  |> nephrotoma.append_list(string.to_graphemes("hi!"))
  let assert True = nephrotoma.exists(tree, "hello, world!")
  let assert False = nephrotoma.exists(tree, "hello")

## What is this for?

This is a library for checking whether a list exists in a list of lists.

### Why not just check one by one?

Checking one by one can be expensive. This library is designed for if you need to perform a large amount of checks.

### So I should always use this?

Creating the initial tree is also expensive, so this may not be fit for the job. **Also, this was made in an afternoon. It is not at all optimized.**

## What does Nephrotoma mean?

[It's a genus of crane flies.](

### Why did you name a project off of a genus of crane flies?

I don't know. They have long legs, I guess, reminding me of trees?

## Development

gleam run   # Run the project
gleam test  # Run the tests