# nerf
Gleam bindings to [gun][gun], the Erlang HTTP/1.1, HTTP/2 and Websocket client.
[gun]: https://hex.pm/packages/gun
Currently this library is very basic and only supports a portion of the
websocket API, and TLS is not verified! Hopefully in future a better websocket
client written in Gleam can replace this one.
## Usage
This package can be added to your Gleam project like so.
gleam add nerf
Then use it in your Gleam application.
import nerf/websocket
import gleam/erlang
import gleam/erlang/atom
pub fn main() {
// Connect
let assert Ok(conn) = websocket.connect("example.com", "/ws", 8080, [])
// Send some messages
websocket.send(conn, "Hello")
websocket.send(conn, "World")
// Receive some messages
let assert Ok(Text("Hello")) = websocket.receive(conn, 500)
let assert Ok(Text("World")) = websocket.receive(conn, 500)
// Close the connection
## Testing this library
podman run --rm --detach -p 8080:8080 --name echo jmalloc/echo-server
gleam test