# Nerves
Craft and deploy bulletproof embedded software in Elixir

[![Build Status](](

## Requirements

* 64-bit host
* Mac OS 10.10+
* Linux (tested on Debian / Ubuntu / Redhat / CentOS)
* Windows 10 with [Windows Subsystem for Linux]( (untested)
* Elixir ~> 1.4
* [fwup]( >= 0.8.0

## Quick-Reference

### Generating a New Nerves Application

$ mix my_app

### Building Firmware

$ export MIX_TARGET=rpi3
$ mix deps.get      # Fetch the dependencies
$ mix firmware      # Cross-compile dependencies and create a .fw file
$ mix firmware.burn # Burn firmware to an inserted SD card

**Note:** The `mix firmware.burn` target relies on the presence of `ssh-askpass`. Some
users may need to export the `SUDO_ASKPASS` environment variable to point to their askpass
binary.  On Arch Linux systems, this is in `/usr/lib/ssh/ssh-askpass`

## Docs

[Installation Docs](

[Getting Started](

[Frequently-Asked Questions](



[User Interfaces](

[Advanced Configuration](

Copyright (C) 2015-2017 by the Nerves Project developers <>