# nerves_flutter_support

![Static Badge](

> ⚠️ NOTE: This is a fairly new project. Functionally everything is working on _tested_ Nerves systems.

## What Is This?

NervesFlutterSupport is the base library for running Flutter based UI applications on Nerves devices.

## Overview

NervesFlutterSupport contains the following components:

* Pre-compiled and patched runtime libraries for various dependencies. (See `builder/` for more info.)
  * Including a pre-compiled version of Sony's open source [Flutter Embedder](
* A [Mix Release Step]( that can be included in your existing Mix project.
  * Takes care of downloading the Flutter [embedder]( and runtime libraries.
  * Will automatically compile your Flutter project using the `gen_snapshot` tool and output an AOT build.
* `NervesFlutterSupport.Flutter.Engine` - A module to create a [Muontrap]( child_spec for running the embedder.
* `NervesFlutterSupport.Udev` - (Automatically started for you) A module that ensure `eudevd` is running for input devices to function properly.

## Tested Platforms

NervesFlutterSupport has been tested on the following platforms:

* Raspberry Pi 4
* Raspberry Pi 5

However it should be noted that any aarch64 based Nerves System _should be compatible_ with this library.

Please file any issues if you run into any problems with your ARM64 platform. We also welcome Buildroot config contributions for other platforms.

## Getting Started

**Currently we only support Linux and macOS hosts when building firmware. Windows users should use WSL.**

**If you are a macOS user, please ensure you have `docker` installed!**

1. Install [Flutter]( See the top of this readme file for which version to use. (Flutter versions may change with Hex package versions!)
2. Create a new Flutter app in your Mix project using: `flutter create flutter_app`.
3. Add this package to your `deps` in `mix.exs`.
4. Add the release step to your existing firmware's `steps:` member:
    steps: [
      &, # Add Me!
5. Run `mix firmware` as you normally would, if all is well, you should see you Flutter app build and emit a bundle into your `priv/` directory.
6. To run the Flutter app you can add the following to your `Application` or `Supervisor` children:
  # With no options, your Flutter app bundle is expreted to be in `priv/flutter_app`
    app_name: :my_flutter_app,

## Example Project

Example Project: [NervesFlutterExample](

`NervesFlutterExample` is a basic Flutter + Nerves firmware for `:rpi4` and `:rpi5` targets. It uses
gRPC and Protobufs to communicate between the Nerves firmware code and the Dart Flutter application.