# NervesHubCLI

[![Hex version]( "Hex version")](

`NervesHubCLI` provides a set of [Mix]( tasks so
that you can work with [NervesHub]( from the command
line. Features include:

* Uploading firmware to NervesHub
* Generating device certificates and registration
* Managing device provisioning metadata
* Creating and managing firmware signing keys
* Manage firmware deployments
* Manage user and organization accounts

The recommended way of using the CLI is to include
[`nerves_hub`]( in your dependencies.
`nerves_hub` pulls in `nerves_hub_cli` and includes the target runtime
components necessary to use it.

Once installed, you can access available commands and documentation from the
commandline using `mix help`:

$ mix help
mix nerves_hub.deployment # Manages NervesHub deployments
mix nerves_hub.device     # Manages your NervesHub devices
mix nerves_hub.firmware   # Manages firmware on NervesHub
mix nerves_hub.key        # Manages your firmware signing keys
mix nerves_hub.product    # Manages your products
mix nerves_hub.user       # Manages your NervesHub user account

$ mix help nerves_hub.device

For more information on using the CLI, see the
[`nerves_hub`]( documentation.